DWM 30.

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   "What are you two doing in America?" Madison asked Harry and Zayn as she tapped her pen against her orderpad. "Don't worry about them," Lauren said.

"I'm not talking to you, now am I?" Madison sneered. She turned her attention back to the boys. "Now. Are you guys going to answer me, or did you lose your voices?"

"Why the hell do they have to answer to you?" Troy spoke up. Ally squeezed his arm. "We're here for prom," Zayn said irritation in his voice. Madison smirked. "See, was that so hard? I wish I was going to my prom, but someone just had to be a tattle tale. I mean really, how old are we?"

"Old enough not to use the words tattle tale.." Ally said until her breath.

    Madison was shooting daggers directly into my soul with her emerald eyes, and I was very uncomfortable. Can she just take our order? No. No, I don't even want her to take our order, she might try and poison us or something, or spit in our drinks. I looked up, and saw that she was now going back and fourth with Lauren. Zayn excused himself, and pulled Lauren put of the booth and outside, likely to calm her down. "Madison, everything alright here?" a woman in the same uniform as Madison asked. She had a steaming hot plate of soup on a silver platter. Madison faked a smile, and nodded. Her older co-worker gave Madison a suspicious look, but walked away.

    "My parents punished me from now until Summer ends. I was invited to this guys prom from our rival school, and I can't even go to that because of this whole bullshit drinking scandal. You're going to pay for this." Madison narrowed her eyes at me. Harry was about to speak, and while I wasn't one for any sort of confrontation, I held my hand up to stop him. "Look Madison, I'm not afraid of you okay? I have been walking on eggshells ever since I met you because I didn't want to face this supposed "wrath" of yours. Did you ever wonder why Troy chose Ally over you, or why Harry didn't give you the time of day, or why Liam thought you were nothing more than sex? Because you're a bitch, and that's all you are because that's all you lead people to believe. You cut my hair in the fifth grade, and guess what? I still grew it back, and I still grew up to be a much better person than you inside, and outside. Take a step back and actually look at yourself. You only have two friends, who I'm sure can't stand you, but they are only sticking around because they are afraid to cross you. But I'm not anymore, and I hope that one day they can do what I just did because I'm sure what they have to say will last for hours, but you aren't worth anymore of my time." I slid out from the booth, and brushed past Madison who was standing their with her jaw practically hanging off it's hinges.

    When I walked outside, Lauren was leaned up against the wall and Zayn was standing in front of her, rubbing up and down her arm in a coaxing manner. "What are you doing out here?" Lauren asked breaking away from Zayn.

"I told Madison off and made a dramatic exit. I don't know how they do it so smoothly in the movies, because my heart is profusely beating right now." I admitted placing my hand on my chest.

"Shut up! What'd you say?! Give me the run down," Lauren gasped excitedly squeezing my arm, hoping that information will sink out. I shook my head. "I... I really don't remember. It just happened, I guess I blacked out. I called her a bitch though." Lauren squealed, and high fived me. She then turned to Zayn and slapped him in the arm. "I can't believe I missed that. It's all your fault!" she pointed and accusing finger which Zayn took hold of.

   "Camila, Camila, Camila." Harry clapped strolling out of the diner doors and over to me. "If I do say so myself you caused the biggest scene of 2014, and for that I applaud you. Who knew you had such animosity brewing inside of you still. I thought we rid it all at the farewell Madison party, but it was still lodged deep inside." he smirked, and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Again, I'm mad I missed this." Lauren glared at Zayn.

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