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-chapter nine

Julekas party was an overall enjoyable day, as any party with your friends should be. Music, food and dancing were but a few of the things they did all until the late evening, when the sun was almost set firmly over the landscape. As it turned out, Rose was quite the 'party animal'. Everyone was initially rather reluctant to dance, whether out of embarrassment or lack of confidence, but she quickly made sure everyone was having a great time.

And they did, truly. Luka hardly made much of an appearance at all, other than cutting the cake and singing. It wasn't the day of Julekas actual birthday after all (their schedules didn't line up for a party) so it wasn't odd. He did however have this air of mystery and intrigue about him. Just from the few minute exchange Mariette had with him, she was enthralled almost.

By his style, his demeanour, his personality and interests. Even so, It had hardly been half a day since Marinette finally made up her mind to abondon all hope with Adrien. As the day passed, she realised that maybe she didn't really care for him so much after all. No, that was worded very wrong. She cared a great deal for him, but maybe love or like just wasn't the right way to interpret what she felt. She made a point of making a mental note to take down all the uh... surplus of his posters in her room. In retrospect it really was just a bit frightening.

She felt neither empty nor broken, maybe a little sad but nothing more than that. This surprised her a great deal, as it did everyone around her when she broke the news to all of her friends. They all supported her decision, however surprising it was.

Meanwhile Adrien spent the day, afternoon, evening and night confused. The thought that Marinette had liked him didn't bother him, not at all. It was almost as though the thought she no longer did was more bothersome. However the more he thought about it, the harder it was to get the thought out of his head.

The thoughts soaked into his mind, saturating it, making it impossible for any others to enter. 'Marinette liked him'. Adrien tuned over and lay on the cold side of his bed, looking up at his ceiling. He took out his phone from under his pillow and opened Marinettes contact, an awkward picture of her smiling while shyly waving was her profile image. He smiled at it, frowned, and went to bed finally.

The party ended as the gathering all shared their goodbyes, hugging and talking about their plans for the next days. Everyone sang Juleka one more, rather embarrassing, happy birthday and began to part ways. As Marinette stepped onto the pavement, she felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned to face Luka.

"Its dark, you shouldn't be walking alone" He mumbled at her, looking out across the streets nearby. The streets were quiet, nothing but the occasional car or cyclist could be heard. "I'm sure i could manage alone thanks," Marinette started, Lukas face dropped a little "but some company would be nice."

He smiled at her, and they began to walk. "So. Mind telling me a bit about yourself then?" asked Marinette in genuine curiosity. She had never really heard of Luka before, and she didn't know whether it was because Juleka never spoke of his, or because she rarely spoke at all. Either way, he hummed a little, as if in thought.

"Depends really on what you'd like to know. Hi, im Luka Couffaine, im a guitarist and im seventeen, or something if the sorts. That's all there really is to me." He listed, counting off the points on his fingers. "Anything else you'd like to know?"

"Hm, interesting. If you insist that that's all there is to you i don't see how any question i ask could give me a different answer," Marinette pointed out, raising an eyebrow.
They neared the park next to Marinettes house now.

"You make a good point, "M- Marinette," he mocked. She slapped his shoulder in annoyance and sped up towards her parents bakery.

"In a hurry i see, angered you already?" He laughed, slightly hurt by her insistance to get home faster. "N-no, its not that" she stammered, hoping that Luka wouldn't expect himself to be invited in by her parents, picturing his surprise at her postered walls. That's not her anymore! She can't ruin this. Whatever this one conversation is.

They reached the bakery and Marinette rounded on Luka, looking at him. "Well uh, thanks for walking me here..." she began.
"No worries, he handed her a scrap piece of manuscript paper from his pocket and handed it to her. "If you ever need it, or want it, there's my number".

She took it tentatively and smiled quickly, flushing. "Yeah haha, thanks..." And turning on her heel she walked straight through the bakery door, as it opened with a shrill signal of the bell. Luka had already made a start at leaving when he heard a voice carrying across the street. "Goodnight!" Marinette shouted from the top of her balcony, waving.

At this Luka smiled, waved, and carried on back home.

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