Moving out!

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AN: enjoy!

(Y/N) POV:

I finally did it. I won back great Grandmas inheritance and moving into her home in LA. I finally out of that damn house! Great Mama (that's what you call her) had this house actually made for me when I was 18, but I couldn't get to it because of my father and my uncle wanted to fight for the rights to her wealth, but now 5 years later I won! Today I move the last of my things with the help of my best friend-

"Thanks for helping me move out here Fe, your a big help!" I tell him. "It's nothing Ex! Plus this house is a-m-a-z-I-n-g!" He says as he puts the last box down. "Your welcome to come over and stay any time Felix. Consider it your house to!" I tell him as I start to restock the kitchen. "Sweet! Can I bring friends over too?" He ask. "Fe the house is 3 stories plus a basement and attic, you can bring who ever you want." I laugh at him. "In that case I'm staying for the week! Screw the hotel!" He tells me as he first pumps the air in excitement. As he was calling up the hotel I tell him that I already had some people make up the rooms (all but my own) and made Fe his own gaming studio for when he's over. He screamed SO loud, but I managed to calm him down and help unpack and even chat before he makes his way up to his new room recording room to recorded with his friends for a video. I hum as I get out my camera and set up a stand and start to record my intro for my video/vlog on the move.

Pewdiepie POV:

After my intros with my audience I explain where am at- excluding that its (Y/N), just said a close friend!- because the room was different. Then I jump into a game "Yo! Wants up my bros?!" I yell as I enter Skype and join Jack, Marks, bobs, and Wade in a game of prop hunt. "Hey Pewds!" Yells jack. "Woah dude, where are you?" Asked bob as he looks at my back ground. "Yeah man that place looks awesome!" Said wade. "I'm at my friends new place!" I tell them as I turn into a can and hide. "FOOK!" Screams jack as he died. "How the hell did ya see me wade?! I was under the thing!"

We all laugh "I don't know I just saw the paper thing moving!" Wade explains. "What friend Felix?" Mark ask casually (read: Nosily) as he runs by my hiding stop.

"He's my best bro!" I yell as I run from bob and turn into a chair. "He just got away from his fuck fear of a family and now has a huge shit ton of money, and a new house! So I'm in LA wi- FUCK NO! RUN!" I try to get away but bob gets me. 'HUNTERS WIN'. "Cool man! Maybe me and jack should come see you!" Mark says as we wait for our screens to not be black. "Sure, Ex said I could invite whoever I wanted anyway!" I tell him. Marks eyes widened at the name. "So did he just make you a studio room?" Ask jack. "Nuh, Ex is a YouTuber too! His name is WitchBoyEx. He's pretty funny." I tell them- way to caught up in my fun to realize I what I was telling. I then try to shoot wade, but he got away. After an hour of gaming I realized I gave out Ex's info. "Damn it!"

AN: that's it for now, next chapter is just pics of the house

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