Them and Their Inner Debate

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A beam of sunlight illuminates the whole room without leaving any corner of it, passing through the thin layers of white pale veils that cover the enormous glass windows of our chamber.

A chilly breeze and a ray of sunlight that shines upon my face from between the curtains force to wake me up from my deep slumber in irritation. I look around in search of the culprit that dares to wake me up from my beauty sleep with P'Kit!

Damn it. We forgot to close the slidedoor and the curtains last night. Whoops! I just realise something when I see the doors. I wonder if the staffs could sleep last night cause I wasn't holding back at all (if you know what I mean ;> ). I do feel slightly bad for them but I don't regret though. Forgive me please. I will ask my father to give you some bonus. I get up and drag my heavy feet lazily towards the door to close it and pull the curtains to cover the irritating sunlight that is enlightening on our bed.

I stride back to the mattress and get under the blankets again to warm myself. As I did, I pull P'Kit closer to me, his back facing me. I snuggle on his shoulder and take in his strawberry-sweet scent in one deep breath. I pull back to admire the fresh bright red love bites I planted last night on his milky-white skin. I gently kiss and suck on his nape as I place another mark on him and lick it in glory, sensing an achievement.

He shuffles slightly at the sensation and turns his body to me as he snuggles up against the space between the bed and my armpit, his steady breath tickling me a little bit makes me want to laugh out loud. I did giggle like a little girl though. Don't ask me cause I'm also surprised myself!

Not very long after, he sneezes as he stifles his sniff and lets a low soft groan, creating a frown between his eyebrows a little bit. I guess my armpit hair get into his nose and tickle him. Hahahahahaha he's even pouting. How can he be so adorable? I just can't take it anymore and pinch his nose between my two fingers. I thought he would wake up but what caught me off guard was, he fucking whines! Like with that cute little voice you've never heard from him before, including me! How come I keep discovering new things about P'Kit even till now? Even though we've been together for more than a year? Yeah, maybe there are still many things I still don't know and I can't wait for the time to find out about them.

He shifts closer to me and settles himself comfortable against my chest again like a little kitty as he mumbles something under his breath. I swear he was definitely purring!

I stroke his hazel strands of hair gently while examining his lovely features that make me all head over heels for him. His round eyes and long lashes, pinkish plump lips and most of all, his deep dimples. Of course it's not just only his looks but also his personality.

As much as I want to stay in bed a little bit longer with P'Kit but I need to get breakfast and some pain killers for P'Kit. So I put a pillow under P'Kit with care so he won't wake up as I get out of bed and take a cold shower quickly before heading out.


"P'Kit. P'Kit... wake up, P'Kit" my eyes flutter open as I feel my body shakes and hear Ming's voice.

"Ming?" I look around to the unfamiler place that is not my room as I try to process things. Oh, right we're on a trip at Ming's family villa resort. I wince a little bit as I feel a sharp pain in my lower back when I try to get up. Well, it's still better than this morning, I couldn't even feel my whole body let alone sitting up.

" What time is it?" I yawn and ask him lazily as I rub my eyes. I might have pout my lips a little bit too. Meh, I'm not sure. For a moment there, I'm pretty sure I heard Ming gasps quietly. I turn my head to find out the reason but to my surprise, or should I say as I expected, I see him staring at me with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. I'm not finished yet. He's snapping pictures continuously with his phone in one hand and the other holding a bowl of chicken porridge which I assume to be my breakfast. I also see an egg pudding on the table. Shit, Ming! My lower back just hurt a little bit. I'm not a patient! And who's the reason for that?! Learn how to restrain, damn it.

"What TIME is it?" I emphasize the "time" word and raise my voice to snap him out of his daydream as I stare at him with blank face. He clears his throat and puts down his phone as he places a small table to give me my breakfast.

"It's 11:30," without minding my shocked face, he hands over a spoon to me, "here's your breakfast P'Kit. Or should I say brunch? Hahahaha... " his laugh trails off and adverts his gaze when he sees me throwing glares at him.

Never mind that idiot. Bloody hell! It's almost fucking noon! I've never slept this late before! The latest I woke up was.... 10... also after horny Ming didn't let me sleep after our midterm. I had a sore throat thebfollowomg morning. It's not that different, huh. I heave a sigh, thinking back my life decisions. Where did I go wrong? I keep doing things I've never done since I started dating him, more like ever since he started courting me!

I take the spoon from his grip abruptly and start chowing on my food. Of all sudden, he leans close to my face and wipes a grain of rice stuck on the corner of my lips with his thumb and sucks it, letting out that smooch sound on purpose. I know it because he smirks after that and his tongue darts out and licks his lips seductively.

Shit. That was so sexy... despite those arrogant behaviour.

I'm hopeless.

"What do you want to drink P'? I'll order from the restaurant." He retreats his body as he grabs his phone, making the bed bounce a little bit.

"Orange juice."

I hear him ordering an orange juice for me and one serving of fired rice with pork, french fries and an iced coffee for him.

"You haven't eaten yet?"

"Nope. I went out as soon as I woke up to get breakfast and medicine for you!" His eyes sparkles as he anticipates a praise from me.

"... thanks.." I mumble out just to make him feel better.

A few minutes later***

"Finish your pudding quickly and take your medicine. If you like to, I want to show you around our resort. This is one of my favourite place!"

I definitely bet I can see his invisible tail wagging. I just roll my eyes and nod to agree with him.

I put on a light blue long sleeves cotton shirt and thigh-length shorts. Ming walks towards the door, leading the way out of the room. And again! He suddenly turns back to me, startling me! Does he want to give me a heart attack?

He stands in front me and grabs my face, squishing it as he leans down to my face. He pecks both of my cheeks and sucks my upper and lower lips.

"Almost forgot my morning kiss. I love you." He whispers softly and winks. He kisses my forehead and walks out of the room, holding my hand as I follow him wherever he's taking me.

One way or another, he's bad for my heart. But what can I do?


Mwah :* ahehehehe here's an appetizer for you on Monday or a breakfast on Tuesday to have a great start ;)

Thank you for reading. How do you like this chapter? Don't forget to comment your thoughts below!

Until next time,

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