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Oopsie! It's not an update ahehehe XD but I've got something you might like.

If you're interested, you can keep reading.

Actually today's my birthday (21/12) although I worked all day just like usual, I'm really in a good mood and surprisingly refreshed, I decided to give a special chapter for you guys!

I'm not finished yet. Keep reading! ;)

This special chapter depends on you! You know what I'm saying? XD I'm taking a request from one of you guys! Hooray!

But before that, you must answer one question from me. Don't worry it won't be difficult. So the question is,

"How old am I?"

Uh-ah. Wait!

Hint : I have a steady job(not an internship) but I haven't graduated yet. I'm still studying and I'm not a final year student or a freshman. Can you guess? Please note that I asked you my age ;)

I think I've given you a lot of hints. Easy, right?

I don't expect you to get the correct answer because I've never told you anything about me. So the person who gets the closest answer will get a chance to request a story from me and first come, first serves! A piece of cake, right?! XD

So please submit your answers in this sentence comment section.

The deadline is until 3 hours  from now. I'll announce the winner in the comments!

It's 18:40 in my country so I'll announce the winner at 21:40. Stay tuned!

1) You can request any pair from 2Moons or Sotus.

2) Give me your description in three short sentences.

Well, good luck! I'll be looking forward to your answers!

Thank you for reading! I'll be waiting!


P.s This is my first time taking a request but I'll try my utmost best to fit your description as much as possible (:

Pss. My friends who know me are not allowed to participate :P

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