Chapter 3

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Evan re-entered the building, closing the door behind him. He glanced at the left hallway, putting a hand on his gun.

Time for door number 3.

Evan walked up to the door, and when he was about to open it he felt an icy draft.

It's like a fridge in there!

Evan opened the door and walked inside, seeing what looked like a dining area. There was a large table in the middle, and cabinets ran the back wall. To the left of the room was a fireplace and to the right a cage. Evan walked closer to see Brock inside, huddled in the corner and shivering.


Evan called out, making sure he was conscious. Brock lifted his head, his skin a pale sickly color.


He shivered. Evan looked at the fireplace, finding a lighter on the table and beginning to try and light it. He glanced around, ripping some of the dining tablecloth to use for kindling. He lit the cloth then threw it in the fireplace, grateful when it eventually all ignited. Evan walked back over to Brock's cage, stepping on something under the carpet. Evan stopped and picked up the carpet, revealing a key.

"Th-the lock."

Brock said, pointing at the lock on the cage door. Evan stood and unlocked the cage, helping Brock to his feet. He didn't have enough strength to walk, so Evan helped him stumble toward the fire to begin warming up. He placed Brock in front of the fire, then stood and rubbed his arms, beginning to get cold himself. He looked around the room, eventually seeing a thermostat. Evan walked toward it and read the temperature.

"Negative 12 Celsius."

Evan glanced at Brock then turned the heat up to 15.

Evan thought, turning and walking back to Brock. He sat next to him, rubbing Brock's arms that felt like ice.

"D-o you h-have any food?"

Brock asked, looking at Evan. He shook his head.

"No, has Delirious not fed you?"

Brock shook his head.

"H-he said if I wanted to be called M-Moo, then clearly I was a c-cow."

He shivered violently then calmed down.

"He only brought straw into the cage, and b-branded me."

Brock pulled up his shirt on his back, revealing a burn in the shape of a D with a line down the middle. Evan shook his head and pulled Brock's shirt down.

"Why's it so cold in here?"

Brock stared at the fire for a moment before answering.

"He said beef should s-stay cold to last longer."

Evan gritted his teeth, watching the fire as well. After a while he could tell Brock was warming up, he wasn't shivering as bad if any. He had also begun nodding off, his eyes half closed.


Evan asked, touching his shoulder. Brock took in a quick breath, looking at Evan.


He said groggily.

"I'm going to go look for food for you. I'll be right back."

Brock nodded, then began falling asleep again, this time passing out and falling onto Evan.


Evan asked, surprised. When Brock didn't answer Evan gently lifted Brock's head and shifted out from under him, laying him back down softly on the ground.

"Stay safe, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Evan promised, standing up and leaving the warming room. Evan closed the door, sighing.

I can't believe Delirious took it this far.

Evan pulled his pistol out, looking at it carefully.

Will I need to use this on Delirious?

Evan shook his head, walking away from the door. Suddenly Evan heard a groan coming from the middle hallway. Whoever it was sounded like they were in pain. Evan looked at the gun and kept it in his hand, beginning to run down the hall.

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