Chapter 11

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Suddenly the door opened, and Tyler poked his head inside before walking in.

"Hey Nogla, sorry I took so long. Traffic had me-"

Tyler stopped when he noticed Delirious. He stared at Delirious, then began slowly taking steps back out of the room.

"Why is he in here?"

Tyler asked, not losing eye contact. When nobody responded he yelled,

"Do you not remember what he did to us? WHY IS HE IN HERE?"

"Tyler! Calm down."

Craig said, sitting up and putting up a defensive hand. Tyler flicked his eyes to Craig.

"Calm down? I bet the reason you're all in here is because of him! In fact,"

Tyler brought his piercing gaze back to Delirious, pointing at him.

"In fact, I bet he almost killed several of you!"

Tyler looked at everyone in the room, and when he saw Evan he paused. His intense stare softened, but only for a moment as he snarled and turned back toward Delirious.

"I'm not staying anywhere near him, so if you want me to stay then get him out!"

After a moment of stillness and silence, Tyler huffed and walked to the door, opening it and leaving. After several seconds of everyone staring at the door, their gazes shifted to Delirious, before eventually returning to their conversations.

The early morning wore on as the sun began to rise. Brian was finally brought back into the room, wheeled in still unconscious. Everyone had fallen asleep, but Delirious, Brock, and Craig had awoken from the commotion. Brock walked up to one of the nurses as she turned to leave.

"Excuse me, but do you mind telling me how the operation went?"

The nurse smiled at his formality, then her expression turned nervous.

"Actually, they were not able to save his arm. The best choice was to remove it."

The room was silent for several seconds, which felt like an eternity.

"So Brian only has his right arm?"

Delirious asked finally, staring at the nurse. She frowned and nodded slightly.

"I'm afraid so. Although he can always get a prosthetic arm, and join you guys in all the havoc that you do."

The nurse paused before leaving. Brock sat down next to Brian, looking at what was left of his arm as if he still didn't believe it. Delirious looked away, trying to go back to sleep. He didn't want to deal with this new problem yet.

"You're just going to ignore this?"

Came Craig's voice.

"Not going to even act apologetic?"

Delirious turned back to face Craig, guilt already pulling at his heart.

"Of course I'm sorry!"

Delirious snapped, keeping his voice quiet so the others could sleep.

"I just want to wait until later when I can do something helpful."

Delirious turned back around, curling into the seat he was on. Craig didn't reply, and after a while the room was silent again, filled only with the snores of the guys.

Delirious had tried to return to sleep but was unable, the monstrous size wave of guilt from the whole situation grinding away at his insides. The sun didn't help either, as the hours ticked by the room brightened, and the nurses began to bring in breakfast for the patients. It wasn't until around 10 am that people started waking up, first Marcel, then Ohm and Anthony. Those uninjured didn't start waking until 10:30, but even then Evan, Lui, and Brian still slept. The morning was quiet, mostly small talk and some jokes. Some left for breakfast and returned soon after, usually with McDonald's or a breakfast burrito from someplace nearby. Delirious had also noticed some of the guys not avoiding him as harshly, even inviting him to join them for breakfast. Delirious of course said yes to Scotty and Brock's invitation, grateful that maybe he wouldn't be hated forever.

When they returned with their food, Tyler was there, sitting near Brian's bed with Nogla and talking to Craig and Marcel.

"Hey, maybe he'll like being a little closer to a real terminator."

Tyler said with a chuckle. The guys laughed, and when Delirious entered they continued like they hadn't noticed. Tyler reacted though, instantly falling silent and glaring at him. Delirious took his spot next to Evan, who was the first bed to the left and began eating, trying to ignore Tyler's glare. Eventually, after a few minutes, Tyler left. When he had stood up Nogla and Marcel had tried to coax him to stay but to no avail. There were a few moments of awkward silence before Delirious finally broke it.

"Look, guys,"

He said with a sigh.

"I know your all upset at me because of what stupid and horrific things I did so I'll leave. Then Tyler can come inside and you all can talk. I'll just come back when things have cooled."

Delirious didn't mean the last sentence but figured he'd say it for Brock's sake. The guys all looked at each other before Brock stood and took a few steps toward Delirious.

"You don't need to leave. If Tyler doesn't want to be around you that's his problem."

Delirious chuckled and stared at his feet.

"Really, it's fine. I need to go sleep anyway."

Brock looked like he was going to say something when there came a small sound from the bed next to Delirious.

"Wha's goin' on?"

Came the groggy voice. Everyone whipped to face him in surprise.

"Where are we?"

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