Till my Last Breath Edward Cullen.

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                                                                                   .Chapter One.

Edward Cullen.

 After the party fiasco with Jasper trying to attack Bella and me just pushing her out of the way, only made things worst. I left her that day and went to Alaska to live in a small town called Smokey Falls which was a really nice town; i hadn't been here in about 86 years and all the people who would have remembered me are dead. Carlise and Esme thought i should continue senior year; i told them i would since it keep my mind off of Bella.

Today was my first day and as i thought it would be the school was; girls thinking of the new boy and guys thinking about beating me up for stealing the thoughts of their girlfriends, crushes etc. I ignored them and just got my things and went to my first period class. Mr. Hemworth teaching Academic English grade 12. I took a seat at the very back and waited for the teacher to arrive; when a scent filled my senses. I looked up from my hands and saw a girl; she was biting her lip she wanted to say something.

I peeked into her mind "That's my seat..oh well i'll just sit next to him," she wasn't thinking like the others girls and just sat next to me. Messing her dark wavy hair and fixing her thick frame glasses she just sat and typed on her phone like the world was going to end. "Miss Chase phone away class is about to begin," a male voice which was the teachers spoke; she tucked away her phone and pulled out her green binder with doodles all over it. Once the bell rung Mr. Hemworth asked me to introduce myself, a simple "Edward Cullen," and sitting back down was done.

"Now i'm going to pass out last weeks unit test which was very poor in my eyes you students can do much better," he stated. As he walked around i couldn't help but look at the girl who was just sitting there staring at her book. "Perfect as usual Elizabeth," Mr. Hemworth dropped her test and she quickly tucked it in her binder without even looking at it. Elizabeth Chase was a nice name and she was smart; Bella Swan wasn't really bright without me tutoring her. Class went on as any other englishclass would go about, basically talking about a book.

Next period was gym and again Elizabeth was in my class; we ran laps and then we played a mized game of volleyball; she wasn't s runner but had an amazing spike. Period three i had writers course and we wrote a poem Elizabeth again was there. Her poem made me think of Bella; but then it was in a girls point of view then my mind began to peek into hers. She was so quiet and looked alone i couldn't help myself when my mind wandered into her.

 "Why are they avoiding me? It was his fault i'm not going to stay with someone who is just going to hurt me everytime. Lies all of them...Lies. I thought he cared i was just another toy and when he didn't get what he wanted he got bored. I'm not staying here long i'm going to leave this tiny town after graduation...maybe go to New York that place seems nice. Home isn't a place i want to be...I'll asked Dawna if i could sleepover again..i'll text her now,"

 I watched her secretly whip out her phone and text this Dawna person and then within seconds a smile; it was a really nice smile. "Gotta love Dawna," she thought but now i wanted to know why she wont go home and did people hate her because she broke up with someone. When the bell rung for lunch i wanted an excuse to talk to her, "Could you tell me where the lunch room is?" i asked her as she tucked in her poem binder.

Looking up she replied, "I'm going there just follow me," I nodded and throwing her bag over her shoulders we walked to the cafe. It was descent and fancier than Forks; the tables where done by stereotypes literally. Jocks and popular kids at the center and the rest of the soup can labels around the edges. "Um do you wanna sit with me and my friends?" Elizabeth asked softly, "If you don't mind," i replied; she chuckled and walked to a table of normal looking people someone from everything.

But the table threw me off; a werewolf was at the table a boy with shaggy brown hair and matching eyes. I stopped as Elizabeth walked to the table; i read his mind "Well well another vampire, Alex would go crazy to know this,"  I walked to the table, "Dudes and dudettes this is Edward," Elizabeth stated. "Hi Edward," was the choir of 3 people stated; "Dawna," she pointed to a blonde haired girl with phone in each hand a soical butterfly. "Jackson," she pointed to a boy with dark hair and guitar in his hands strumming a note as he nodded to me.

"And this is Stefan," she pointed to the werewolf and he smirked at me; he was doing some last minute homework and eating his lunch at the same time. "Sit," she stated sitting next to Jackson and bugging him as he tried to strum a note, "Elizabeth you suck at the guitar," he chuckled. "Well i'm sorry," she joked in a weird voice as the two laughed. Dawna whispered to me, "Not dating Jackson is her best friend since 3rd grade," i nodded but that didn't concern me; or did it?

 Stefan stared at me from time to time, "What do you want?" i said looking at him in a tone that only the two of us could hear. "You're a vampire," he mumbled, "And you're a werewolf we good?" i asked, "Good just don't eat anyone cause i'll know its you," he chuckled. "Who's Alex?" i couldn't help but ask; he smiled "A mind reader...my girlfriend...she a vampire too," he replied. "Werewolf and vampire?" i questioned then it hit me; "We're rouges but not a troublesome couple just kids trying to be normal," Stefan replied.

School went by and Elizabeth wasn't in my last epriod Chemistry class; she told me she had Leadership and i did have Stefan and Jackson who strangely we all got along. I walked to my car to see Dawna and Elizabeth by a black sports car next to my silver Volvo. "Hey Eddie," Elizabeth greeted as she opened the car doors, "Join for a movie? The first show of Puppet Master is tonight? and Dawna doesn't want to go," Elizabeth asked me. "Sure why not?" I replied movie sounded good; "Yeah you saved me," Dawna playfully blowed a kiss to Elizabeth and walked away.

"Meet in front of the threater at around 9?" She asked smiling, "Sounds good," i replied, "Babes got a date," Stefan came running with Jackson as they piled into Elizabeths car. "It's not a date!" she snapped back "I wish," she thought. A actual date sounded nice and i never really went on one with Bella but forget Bella you've got your sights on Elizabeth a whole 9 months can make you want to move on. I got into my car and watched Elizabeth drive away with her two friends; i shortly after drove home to be greeted by Carlise and Esme.

"Mom," i called out and Esme walked out of the living room to greet me; "Would a flower look to much to give to a girl before you go to the movies?" i asked. "A single rose seems fine otherwise it would be," she smiled. "What's her name?" Carlise walked out of the study, "Elizabeth Chase,"  i replied. "Sounds like a pretty girl," Esme stated, "She is," i replied going up to my room. I sat on my bed and listened to my music and relaxed until quater to 9.


Okay so the plot!

Edward left Bella 9 months ago and once he started school again he met Elizabeth and in one day her mystery and just who she is made him start to fall for her. But would the thought of Bella keep Edwards new feelings away? Chapter two coming soon <33

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