A love for the sea

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(Lana POV)

We rode out to sea together on Lapras. Then, Ash said, "The sea looks amazing today."

"It sure does," I replied. And then, Popplio jumped into the water.
"Popplio!" I shouted.

Pikachu then looked down and jumped into the water too. "Pikachu!What's wrong?" He said.

The two coming back up with a buneary in Popplio's bubble but, they were still in the water. It looked like it got seriously injured.
"We have to help it!" I said jumping into the water.

(Ash POV)

"Lana!" I shouted. She brought up the buneary and then I saw the cloak it was wearing. "I- is it that buneary?!"

"Pika Pi," Pikachu said while noting it's head up and down.

"What buneary?" Lana asked.

"The buneary that my friend, Dawn has." I said.

"Is Dawn a girl?" Lana asked.

"Yes," I said. "And, this buneary has a crush on Pikachu."


"She has a piplup," I said.

"Ready to meet her and her piplup!" She shouted excitedly. "But first, we need to get this buneary to a Pokémon Center."

"Good idea!" I said and we rode Lapras to the nearest Pokemon Center.

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