Max & Me

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Chapter 1

Max Ethan Payne. He is the product of me, Danielle Peazer & Liam Payne. A few days after I found out I was pregnant, Liam left me. He didn't know about the baby. Nobody did. I hid my pregnancy too. When I finally had Max, I hid him from the whole world. Nobody knew about him, but me. Max is one now. He doesn't know his father, and his father doesn't know him. How will everything change?

Ch. 1- Max

*Danielle's POV

I pushed the cart across the department store, picking up everything I needed. My son, Max, sat in the baby seat in the front, though he isn't much of a baby anymore. He's growing up so fast. He sucked on his thumb, and admired all the kinds of baby crackers on the shelves.

I looked down at my shopping list, Juice boxes, diapers, granola bars, crackers, baby powder, toilet paper, and baby wipes. Yep, this is my life now. Has been for a little over a year now. And I've managed to keep it a secret.

Nobody knows about Max. He's my little secret. Liam doesn't know, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn don't know, Perrie, and Eleanor don't know, and they're my best friends. They don't know. My parents don't know, my sister doesn't know, and most importantly the press don't know. I can't believe nobody noticed when I was pregnant with Max.

Of course, my stomach bulged. I did take a little break from dancing, and stayed home for a few weeks when my stomach was at it's largest, but the press & media were so focused on Haylor, that I was able to keep my pregnancy a secret. I hated giving birth to Max alone. It was so painful. I just wanted to hold Liam's hand, and for him to tell me everything was going to be okay.

When I gave birth to Max, I passed out from the pain. I didn't get to hold Max until they woke me up 20 minutes later.

I drop Max off at daycare when I'm working, and spend all the spare time I have, raising him, teaching him, and loving him. I've always wanted to tell Liam about him, but I get way too nervous. I mean, he'd be angry with me. But, I did write Liam down as the father on Max's birth certificate.

Max only knows a few words. But he's been learning more every day. The words he knows are more, no, and mum. I smiled at him, as he yawned in the cart. I should probably hurry up and get the rest of the things I need. It's getting late anyhow, almost Max's bedtime. I picked up the last things on my list, and hurried to the check-out. I got in the line behind an elderly man, and a young woman.

I remember when I was her age. She looks to be about 14. That was one of the best years of my life. I was dancing, I had family, and I wasn't super famous yet. So I didn't have to worry about the press. When I was fourteen, I never would have guessed my life would be like it was now. I love my life though. It's perfect. Well, almost perfect. It's just missing one piece.

Liam. Liam would never be with me again though. We broke up for reasons. When Liam broke up with my, he said we should go our own ways to focus on our careers. Then he went off and dated Sophia.

It hurt me so, so much. I cried, and cried. Max had no idea why I was so sad, but he'd come sit on my lap as I sobbed. Max is all I have.


I parked the car, and climbed out. I went to get Max first, so I could bring him inside and put him to bed. He'd already fallen asleep in his car-seat, thumb in his mouth, and chest rising and falling gently as he breathed.

A few weeks ago I was taking Max for a walk. He was just learning how to walk. He's a little early, and I'm very proud of him.

Anyway, we were walking down the sidewalk, when we saw an injured kitten at the side of the road. The kitten had been hit by a car, and it's tail was crushed. The kitten was bleeding on the road, and I felt like I'd throw up.

Max was mortified. I didn't even want to look at it. My heart was in so much pain. I've always loved cats. But Max, refused to leave that spot until I agreed to take the kitten home with us. It was horrible. The kitten was meowing out in pain, but would purr whenever Max would pet her.

Together Max and I nursed the kitten back to health. Her tail is gone forever though, but that's what makes her unique. I named her Berry. We still have her today. She's already getting big. She's not as little as she used to be. Max just adores Berry. Maybe because Berry sleeps in his crib with him, and sits on his lap while he plays with his toys.

I slammed the car door shut, and rested Max in my arms. I began to walk to the front door. I took out my keys, unlocking it and going inside. The house was dark, only lit by the TV I'd left on when Max and I left for the grocery store. Some celebrity talk show was playing. I didn't bother listening. It's probably just gossip about Miley's performance at the VMA's, or something about the wrecking ball music video.

I kicked the front door shut, and dropped the keys on the couch as I passed it. I didn't bother to take off my shoes, as I carried Max upstairs to his bed. I walked inside his bedroom. The walls are light blue, and the floor is covered in fluffy white carpet. I love hardwood, but I didn't think it would be child-efficient.

I don't have much in Max's room. Because whenever my family comes over, I have to hide all Max's things. It's horrible that I have to hide him from everyone. The outside of Max's door reads, STORAGE CLOSET. That way, nobody will go inside. Who wants to go into a storage closet?

Hopefully someday, I will tell everyone about Max, and he can live a life without secrets. I lightly put Max in his crib, and tucked a receiving blanket over his little body. I slid off his little boots, touque and winter coat. I put them down on Max's rocking chair, and kissed Max's forehead. He gurgled, but didn't wake up.

I snuck out of his room, closing the door tightly behind me. I took a deep breath. I just want to sleep. There goes another day with nobody knowing about Max. Another day of success. Now I'm going to have to unload the groceries, clean up the dinner I left out, vacuum the cheerios Max spilled, and wipe up the sticky juice from Max's highchair.

Then, sleep.


Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

This book belongs to AveryDawn on

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