Ch. 12-Butterflies

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Ch. 12-Butterflies

*Danielle's POV

It's been another full day in the hospital. Eleanor, Perrie, and Louis stopped by this morning. It's already four in the afternoon. I just don't know where the days are going. Perrie's been begging me to tell Zayn. She hates hiding things from him, especially since they're getting married.

I've been thinking about it... Actually, I've been thinking about telling the world. I've been ignoring the nagging feeling for awhile now. I should tell Zayn and Harry, because they're the only ones who don't know about Max.

I should tell my parents, and family for the obvious reason... They're my family. Max is my parents' grandson. Max is my big sister Sarah's nephew. They deserve to know. They share blood, guys.

Okay, that came out creepier then I'd originally intended. Sorry. Max has been awake for a few hours now. He's not feeling very good. He's been watching cartoons, and playing with his cars toys. He mostly just lays there, though.

When El, Lou, and Perrie came, they brought Max gifts. Once they left, Max had gained three balloons, a stuffed bear, a box of cookies, and a new car. He's such a spoiled boy now that people know about him. Everyone feels like they have to make up for the Christmas and birthday they missed.

It's not their fault they missed it though. It's mine. I chose not to tell them. I've just been scrolling through my phone, looking at my mentions on twitter. Mostly it's tweets from fans, saying they miss Payzer.

Well, to be honest I miss Payzer too. But Payzer isn't an option anymore. I ignored some hate tweets, and responded to some encouraging ones. I followed a few fans that had sent over 100 tweets each. They're so dedicated.

I turned off my phone, and took a deep breath. We might be able to go home tomorrow around noon, according to the doctor. I'll stay as long as I need to though, as long as Max is okay. I'm not leaving until the doctors confirm he's healed.

I am getting hungry though. I don't have many chances to leave the room. I have to stay with Max, in case he wakes up. Maybe I can get a nurse to watch him while I grab something to eat? I pressed the red button on the wall, which signals a nurse to come in.

Moments later, a red-haired women walked inside. "Yes?" she asked, straightening out her scrubs. "Would you watch my son for a few minutes while I grab something to eat?" I asked. "If it wouldn't be a bother." I added.

She smiled, "Of course. Take all the time you need." I smiled gratefully, "Thank-you, it means a lot to me." She nodded, walking to the sink at the end of the room. She filled a Styrofoam cup with water, and took a sip. When she noticed I was still here, she stopped drinking.

"Go ahead." She said, motioning to the door. "I'll make sure he's okay."

"Thanks again." I said, picking up my purse, and sliding my feet into some slippers. I walked towards the door. "His name is Max, by the way." I told the nurse. "Okay." She said, nodding. I left the room, and walked down to the cafeteria.

I looked around the busy room. Patients flooded the room. I licked my lips, and began weaving my way through the room to the vending machines. Once I reached them, I pulled some coins out of my purse. I put them in the machine, and selected A9. A bag of chips fell from the top shelf.

After that, I got a diet cola, a bag of licorice, a bottle of water, and yogurt granola bar. I took my things out of the bottom, and began making my way back to Max's room. When I finally reached my room, I was out of breath.

I piled my things into one arm, and pushed the door open. The nurse was reading Max a story. As she read, some guy was standing at the back of the room, at the sink. "I'm back," I whispered, pulling the door closed. The man's back was towards me, so I couldn't tell who it was.

"Oh, hello." Said the nurse, closing the book. "Your son woke up moments after you left. He wasn't very happy to see me, but he was fine when I started reading. He missed you."

"Okay... thank-you." I said, not taking my eyes off the strangers' back. How does he looks so familiar? "Oh, him." Said the nurse, turning around with a smile. "He showed up after you left too. He said you two are close." I squinted at him. The man turned around. It was Liam.

"Oh, hi Danielle." He said, putting his cup down. "What's new?" The nurse smiled between us. "I'll just be going." She said, sneaking towards the door. "Thanks, again." I called to the nurse. "It's my job." She smiled, leaving.

"What in the world are you doing here?!" I snapped at Liam, once the nurse was gone. "I wanted to come see my son." I glared, crossing my arms. "How did you even know I was here?" I snapped, walking to the side of Max's bed.

I picked up my son, and began patting his back. He wrapped his little arms around me, and sighed. "Well, when Eleanor, Perrie, and Louis all got 'Get Well' balloons and toys, I assumed something was up. They're the only other ones who know about our son."

"My son." I snapped. "Whatever." Said Liam, shaking his head. "So?" I asked, "Why'd you come?"

"Because they all had 'get well' things, and that means our son is hurt. His dad should be there to cheer him up." I rolled my eyes, pacing around with Max. "Why do you keep calling him that?" I asked. "What?" asked Liam. "'Our Son.'" I replied, "He has a name, you know."

"Then what is it?" asked Liam, slowly and calmly. "Max." I answered. "That's perfect." Liam whispered, falling silent. Liam looked at Max, who was beginning to fall asleep in my arms. Max mumbled something into my shirt, but I couldn't make out what it was.

"I miss you Danielle." Said Liam, stepping towards me. "I want to be a part of your life, and Max's." I avoided Liam's eyes. "Look at me Danielle." Said Liam. I looked up into Liam's caramel eyes. Liam reached forward, and took Max from my arms.

He lay Max down on his bed, and tucked the blankets in around him. "What are you doing?" I asked, as Max drifted off to sleep. Liam tucked a stuffed animal under Max's arm, and kissed Max's forehead.

"Liam," I said, crossing my arms, "You don't get to be a part of his life." Liam turned to me, and put a finger to his lips. "Shhh." Liam whispered. I furrowed my eyebrows. Liam slowly uncrossed my arms, and put them at my side.

"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling nervous. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. He put his hands on my shoulders. "I miss you." He said again. "Liam," I managed through the mixed emotions. My heart began to pound through my chest.

Slowly, Liam put his hands around my face, pulling me towards him. I put my hands on his shoulders, and began to close my eyes. We leaned in... Our lips touched.

Liam James Payne


Danielle Claire Peazer


Max Ethan Payne

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