portraits & necklaces

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"Oh my God, what?" she moaned, blinking her eyes open and groaning louder when he sat on her hips, "Will--"

"Happy six months, baby!" he grinned, holding the phone upright, most likely recording her.

Jelisa grinned sleepily, licking her lip and blushing at him. "I wanted to say it first, why're you up?"

Because I wanted to say it first," he stuck his tongue out, "good morning, though."

"Good morning, William. Stop recording me."


"Do not zoom in--"

"Too late, it's been like this the whole time."

"Stop!" she giggled and pushed his hand away, she sat up in the bed, sliding from under her boyfriend and stretching her arms out above her. "How long have you been awake?"

"A minute. Long enough to cook us breakfast."

"Really? Excuse me," Jelisa fluttered her eyes, "is it ready?"

"Yeah, babe," he got up and took her hands, leading her downstairs, "I made your favorite--"

"Oh my God, french toast!" she squealed jumping up and down when she saw the breakfast foods on the island counter, "and bacon, and eggs! Oh my God, honeydew. It's not even in season, why are you so great?"

"Lisa, there are these things called grocery stores--"

"No, shut up," she whined, marveling at how good the food looked, "thank you, baby."

"It's no problem, baby girl."

Jelisa smiled brightly, humming when William kissed her soft lips. She put her hands in his pockets and reached up to kiss him deeper. "I have a little present for you," she told him, pulling away and grabbing a plate.

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

"It's in my car outside, and I think you'll love it."

"Can I go get it?"

"Yeah-- let me finish!"

"No time," and wow, this man really took her keys, ran outside with no shirt on and a pair of house shoes and basketball shorts. Amazing.

Jelisa laughed loudly, biting into her bacon and doing a little dance because her man was the best. Her man knew how to cook so fucking good. She was going to get fat.

William entered the house again, droplets of what used to be snow running down his shoulders and head. His eyes were lit in excitement at the large gift wth cute wrapping paper all over it.

"I like this wrapping paper," he commended, sitting on the stool and setting the gift on the counter. She continued eating pieces of honeydew while he opened his gift, her nerves were getting the best of her.

"Jelisa, holy fuck."

"Do you like it?" she asked.

"Babe," he looked up at her with a pout, "turn that shit off, bro. Kill."

"Do you like it?" she pressed further, still recording him.

"You dead got someone to paint a picture of one of our selfies," he was so ugly with the fake crying faces, "dawg."

"But I painted it."

"What?" he looked at the portrait then at her, "nigga, don't play with me."

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