silk sets & significant others

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"Ay, man, all I'm saying is--"

"Fuck no, Bobby," William rolled his eyes as he skimmed through the intimates section of a store in the mall. His girlfriend was in the dressing room, trying on sweaters and things she was for sure going to buy. "I can't."

"William, are you going to let this opportunity pass up or are you going to stay in the same town with the same people for the rest of your life?"

"I wanna be with Lisa for the rest of my life," he said pointedly, adjusting the earbud in his right ear, "that's a fact."

"That's adorable, but you know what I mean."

"I do, I do," William sighed, grabbing a silk eat and  waking towards a few shirts, "it's just...we...uh, I don't know how she'll take it, man."

"You won't know unless you try asking. But anyway, I'm gonna be in France next week--"

"I'm not surprised--"

"--but I need to see you before I leave. We need to talk about this."

"I know," he sighed, knowing Bobby was the problem solver out of the two. William was great at dealing with other people's problems but swept his own under the rug. He needed Bobby for this. "How about later tonight? Lisa's gong with Cody to the movies--" he cut himself off and widened his eyes, "Cody! Bobby I can't do this--"

"Calm down, you dumb ass nigga."

"Boy, fuck you."

"We're talking later. Bye."

"Bye," William hung up and took his headphones out, shoving them in his pocket and heading towards the dressing rooms. "Lisa."

"Yes?" she poked her now dyed black haired head out and looked at him. It was still short, but William was so shook at the change in color, he was used to egghead Lisa.

"I like this," he showed her the silk pajama set and she gasped, pulling out a black one of the same style, "son."

"But which one?"

"I like the burgundy."



"Are you okay?" and how the hell could she pick up on his mood without saying anything?

"Yeah. Just...Bobby."

"What's wrong?"

"He's gonna be in France for next week and I barely see him. He's so busy." This wasn't a lie, but it wasn't all the way the truth. William was in a dilemma.

"Is he busy today? You can see him tonight or something."

"Yeah, but...yeah."

"Aw," Jelisa pouted, poking his cheek, "you miss your best friend."

"You're my best friend."

"I know, but Bobby is your guy best friend. BFFLs."

"Shut up," he rolled his eyes and stepped back, "are you done or what?"

"I'm done, baby," she stepped out and grabbed the clothes she wanted, "this was fun, Willie."

"I'm glad you had fun, Lisa," he smiled downs at her, "you ready?"

"Mhm," Jelisa grabbed his hand as they walked towards the registers, "thank you for taking me out babe."

"It's no problem, Lis. Plus, I want see you in something new, if you know what I mean."

"I have a lot more clothes, Will."

"Word? Why don't I see them?"

"Because it's so hard looking for them. I'm lazy."

"Of course."

"Alright, man," Bobby handed William a beer and sat in his recliner, popping his own bottle open, "tell Bobby what's goodie."

"How do I tell my girlfriend that I just got offered a dream job that's far away without hurting her feelings?" he asked, twisting the cap of his beer between his fingers, "we just spent Christmas together, and it was amazing. It felt right to have her in my house like that. I love waking up to doing shit like that but...but what if she doesn't want to move with me?"

"I get it, it's tough, Will," Bobby replied, straighting up a little, "it's a huge deal. You're being offered something great, and you have someone great here with you, and asking to move in and move away at the same time is nerve-wracking. But I think it'll be worth it."

"But how? I'm asking her to give up seeing her family and her friends for me."

"Don't act like you're not missing out on that either. You're making a sacrifice and so will she."

William groaned, sitting back. "Fuck! Why is life so hard?"

"It just is, man. But it's easier with your significant other. Remember when I first started traveling and asked Moriah to move back here with me? I came back, and I prospered with her until her last days on this earth. It was a hard thing to talk about in the beginning, I never regretted it. Telling her how I felt while also declaring how much this would mean to me sold her."

William sighed deeply, remembering Bobby's long term girlfriend before she died last year due to lupus. He missed her.

It was quiet for a moment before Bobby cleared his throat yet again and chugged the rest of his beer. He was still grieving but he refused to believe it. "Just tell her, Will. It never hurts to try."

He was right, Jelisa was going to find out either way, because honestly, William loved her a whole lot, but he really couldn't pass this up. He couldn't. He wouldn't.

Bobby put a hand on his forehead, closing his eyes and leaning back, "I miss Moriah, man."

And William just watched Bobby, his breathing shaky while he kept an arm over his eyes. He was hurting some kind of bad, and William hated it.

"Bobby," William said softly, getting up and sitting beside his seat on the floor, "she'd be so proud of you, man. So proud. I'm proud of you, you're living your dream and advocating something that means a lot to you."

Bobby sniffled, sitting up straight and looking at his hands. "You know why I like you with Jelisa so much?"


"Because you were us. We been knew you liked Jelisa since middle school, even with Mandy -- which we knew I didn't like her anyway -- but now it's actually a thing and she loves you and it's not just some crush. I love this shit, and I want to feel that again. I don't want y'all to go downhill because...because I know how it feels. It sucks ass, man."

William chuckled at the last part, knowing Bobby had a fair share of moments but not realizing he felt so strongly about any of this.

"I love you, man," Will stated fervently, "and I'm gonna miss you when I move."

"Nigga," Bobby pushed him and sucked his teeth, "you know I can move whereever whenever. You gon' see me!"

"You're clingy," William got up and went into the kitchen.

"But that's why we've been friends for so long. We love each other, aight? Just let me know where you'll be and I'm there."

"Of course."

so I was thinking of having a short lil spinoff that goes into Bobby's character a lil more? omg it could be called: How Bobby Got His Groove Back


this was a lil boring but whatever

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