Chapter 2

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We all decided to drive down to Diggy's house first to see why he aint come to school before we went to Twist's house

Once we pulled up to his house we saw his white Mercedes with the green trim and we also saw Twist black Ford truck parked in his driveway too.

We all parked our cars and got out. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later it opened

???: Wassup Roc

End of Recap

"Wassup Roc" Twist said dapping me up as me and the guys stepped in. "Aye..?" I said questionably considering Diggy and his girl Gabby was snuggled up on the couch while Cassie was eating popcorn sitting beside them.

"Um..... Why we're you guys not at school today?" Prod asked them, just as confused as I am.

"Well, me and Twist wanted to spend some alone time with our girls" Diggy said while giving Gabby a light kiss smiling.

"Hol up, Hol up, Hold up!" Ray say making everybody silent. "Did you just say 'our girls' ?" Ray said with his eyebrow raised.

Twist smirked "Yep" then took a seat beside Cassie "Me and Cassie finally made it official" He said smiling before giving Cas a light kiss as well.

Me and the guys smiled and dapped Twist up giving him our small 'congrats' and telling him our jokingly 'bout time's'.

Jake let out small chuckle "Haha. So let me get this straight. Twist finally got the balls to ask out Cas but Prince still to scared to ask out Marie"

"Oh my god! You like Marie!?" Cassie and Gabby said at the same time. Prince glared at Jake but nodded slowly "Yeah.."

Gabby smiled widely while Cas let out a slight giggle. "Oh shut up! It's not funny" prince said annoyed with a bit of embarrassment. "Dude calm down.." Cas smile laying her head on Twist.

"Yeah. Chill... You don't need to be embarrassed about it, it's not a big deal..." Gabby said with her head already on Diggy's chest. "Yeah, I mean Marie likes you too so what's the big deal?" Cas ask bluntly, not really paying attention to what she actually just said.

"Cassie!?". Cassie's eyes almost popped out of her head as her hands instantly covered her mouth "OMIGOD!!!" Cas yelled into her hands. Me and the guys all let out light laughs or chuckles, except for Prince considering he was to shocked to actually speak.

"Let me guess, was that suppose to be a secret? Wasn't it?" I asked smirking lightly. I mean what can I say? It was pretty funny watching Cas and Gabby freak since she just spilled the quote unquote 'Big secret'. -_- like really. It wasn't much of a secret, well except for Prince..

Gabby sighed but nodded slowly "Yeah. But I guess it's not anymore.." She said sending Cas that 'because of you' look. "Sorry.." Cas mumbled into Twist chest, I guess to embarrassed to look up.


"I got it!" Ray yelled walking over to open the door "Well well.... Speak of the devil... Come in". Everybody heads automatically turned to the door as Marie walked in "Hey everybody".

Gabby looked at Cassie who went back to hiding her head in Twist's chest while me and the guys just busted out laughing as Prince just stared at her in amazement. "Um what's going on here..?" Marie asks totally confused about well everything..

"Um well you see what had happen was.." Gabby started but I quickly interrupted "Cassie told Prince that you liked him" I said bluntly smirking. Marie's mouth instantly dropped as her eyes went wide. "You what..!?" She yelled in embarrassment and anger I guess. "Im sorry!" Cas yelled into Twist shirt.

Marie sighed before slowly facing Prince "Um..." She said as her eyes slowly went to the floor. Prince continued to stare at her as he walked up to her. "Marie..?" He said once there was basically only two inches of space between them. "Y-Yes..?" She said finally looking back up.

Prince, surprising, grew some balls and kissed her. Marie eyes went super wide before she wrapped her arms around his necked and shut her eyes finally kissing him back. The kiss lasted a good 20 seconds before Prod did the little 'clear your throat' thing making Marie and Prince break up there little make out session.

"Um... Wow.." Marie said her face turning a bit pink. Prince smiled and grabbed her hand "Marie? ¿Quieres ser mi novia?". Marie eyes went wide "Oh my god! Por supuesto que lo haré Jacob!" She said before giving him a great big hug. They both looked so happy while the rest of us looked confused as hell!

"Um what the fuck y'all just say??" Ray asked confusingly. Prince let out a light smile "I said Marie will you be my girlfriend.." Marie smiled "And I said Oh my god, of course I will Jacob". They looked at each other again before kissing once more, but this time just a peck... Thank god 😒.

"Yay! So we all team taken now!" Cas yelled out excitingly. I glared at her as everybody else just shacked there head "Oops... Sorry Chres.." Cas said going right back to embarrassed mode aka hiding her head in Twist shirt..

I just shrugged my shoulders "You good. I honestly don't care for real for real..." I said bluntly being completely honest. Craig sighed "Dude... You really need to find a girl... Like you the only one in the group that don't got a girl.." I shrugged once more "So? Not my fault that all the single girls i know are Thots, Sluts, Hoes, and Bitches..."

Ray let out a laugh as Prod just shook his head. "Ite man... Whatever.." Prod said walking into the kitchen, probably to eat up all of Diggy's food like always. "Aye! Don't touch my steak Prod!" Diggy said running into his kitchen with a laughing Gabrielle behind him. Everybody just shook their heads smiling at Prods fatten and Diggy's protection over his food.

We all just kicked back at little before I looked at my phone. "Aye y'all? I gotta go... I go a lot of homework that I need to finish by tomorrow and if I don't get it started now then i know I won't finish.." Everyone nodded understandably "Ite Bro, good luck" Prod said dapping me up. "Yea, good luck" Ray said dapping me as well. I gave Dig, Twist and Prince the head nod since they were all snuggled up wit their girls and I waved bye to Cas, Gabby, and Marie too.

After that I got hopped in my black BMW and headed home..


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Until next time


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