Chapter 6

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~Principal Office~

"Sit." The Principal told us as we entered his office. "Yes Sir.." Amber said softly. Wow. So well mannered. Unlike Amber I just pulled out a chair and took a seat. I've been called to the Office a few times... Mostly for skipping class though.

"So.. Explain to me why you were shirtless in the gym alone with Mr August here, which I shall remind you both, is off limits when no adult is around." He asked firmly, his glare more on Amber than me. Hell No. I'll be damn if I let Amber look like a Hoe and get in trouble because of me. Now if it was any other girl then Id let her take the wrap her damn self, which I know she'd do since every girl here would do what the fuck I say when I say it. But this isn't just any girl. This is Amber.

"I.. I-" "Listen. It wasn't her fault okay? It was mine" I said, cutting Amber off. "Your Coach told me that Amber was told not to let anyone in.. Which I need to get back to him on since it's clear you students cant be trusted..." He said, turning his glare back on Amber. He is really pissing me off. "Well it's not her fault, so you can stop looking at her like that" I spat out, glaring at him. The Principal turned his glare to me. "Okay then Mr August. You tell me how you got in? And why she was in such clothing when the two of you got busted." He spat out just as harshly. Is this nigga tryna intimidate me? Ha. He wish.

I dug in my pocket, grabbing something I'd knew would get in me loads of trouble. But it's all for Amber. All for Amber. "This is how I got in" I said, placing my key to the gym on his desk. "I stole Coach keys a while back and made a copy.." I would never rat out my niggas. We all got copies but Id never tell him that. "And I was already headed up to the gym when I heard music coming from it. The doors were locked when Amber was in there. I unlocked them. She had no idea I came into the gym because I was hiding behind some equipment. I was watching her dance. Which is why she was wearing what she was wearing. She was dancing it in. She didn't find out I was in there until about 2 minutes before Coach came. And we weren't doing anything. Those two minutes were spent by her questioning me about how I came in and her telling me to leave before she got in trouble. Don't blame her. It's my fault." I said truthfully. I couldn't let her take the blame. I know I'm in deep shit now but Fuck it. All for Amber. My baby girl.

"Mr August!? Making a copy to a school key is against school rules! You are in so much trouble young man!". I let out a groan as I ignored him. I only had one thought on my mind. "So does that mean Amber is free to go?" I asked, looking over at her. She looked mad, but shocked. I'm guessing she's mad I was spying but shocked that I confessed. The Principal looked over at her. "Fine. Since you are new and you don't seem like such a bad girl I'll let you go. Just don't let anything like this happen again." She nodded. "Yes sir." "Good. You May Go" "Okay.. Thank you Sir". She got her things together and got up, looking over at me. She gave me a mean yet thankful look as she left. It made me smile.

"I don't know what you are smiling about young man! You made a school key copy of the school gym! It is off limits! This is against school rules!". I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, what's my punishment? Detention for a week? You're wasting my time." The Principal chucked. "Oh well don't worry about time.. You'll have plenty of time to get it back because you are suspended for Three Weeks!". I jumped up. "Three Weeks?! Are you fucking serious?!" "Watch your mouth Chresanto!" "Three Weeks !? I didn't do anything that bad!" "You made keys to a school door! You lucky I'm not suspending you for longer!" "Mane Fuck this shit. I'm out!"

I got up and stormed out with him calling my name out behind me. Mane fuck that shit. Three weeks!? Three fucking weeks!? I can't leave for three weeks! What about Amber?! She might meet some nigga in three weeks! She might need me in three weeks! I fucking can't not see Amber for Three Whole Weeks! That's cruel punishment there. Cruel.

I would tell the guys to watch her but I cant let them know I've gone soft for a newbie. Once she becomes mine then I can tell them, but Until then? No! .. The guys.. Fuck! How are they going to feel about me taking the blame instead of letting the newbie do it!? UGH! Ima have to lie. Which reminds me.. Amber. After grabbing some things from my locker and dashed through the halls. I saw Amber about to go to her class when I grabbed her arm. "What do you want Chresanto!?" She ask annoyed once she saw it was me. "Look. I just wanted to ask you.. Can you not go around telling people what happened? I wouldn't want people to know..-" "Know what? You took the blame for the new girl?" She asked, rolling her eyes. "Look. I wont tell a soul. I don't want any girls getting mad that I got caught with you in the gym without a shirt. The guys would think I'm a hoe and the girls would think I want you or something" Damn. That hurt a bit. Her tone made it sound like the last thing she'd want is for people to think she wants me. What's wrong with me?

"Okay... Well thanks.. Anyway I gotta go.. I got suspended for three weeks." I said, a groan coming out as well. "Three weeks? Damn.. Um.. Sorry about that.." She said, trying to be nice or comfort me in some odd way. "It's fine.. I need a break from this hell hole anyway" I said smiling at her, showing my fangs off once more. "Um.. Yeah okay.. Well I better get to class.. I'm late.." She said looking at her class room door. "Yeah.. But before I go I just wanted to say-" "Please don't say you're going to try to hit on me again" She said cutting me off in a rude tone. Fuck. I like that sassy shit. "No.. I just wanted to say Stay out of trouble.. Don't let these hoes get to you or these niggas." "Stay out of trouble? With you gone I think I can do that now" She chuckled. Smart ass. Love that shit. "Mhm.. Ite shawty... See you in three weeks". She rolled her eyes. "My name is Amber, not Shawty. Bye Chresanto" She said grabbing the door to her class, going inside. I smirk as I watch her leave the hall. "Sassy.. I like that.."


So after getting home and telling my parents I got suspended I got cussed out for about a hour. So apparently I'm grounded. No TV. Wow. I'm a senor in high school and I get No TV. I still have my phone and my car keys. But I'm not suppose to go anywhere besides the store if needed. No friend's houses. They aren't home most of the time since they have work.. But usually I'm at school. So now that I'm home I'm just going to leave when they do. They are really bad at this punishing me thing. It's whatever.

I plopped on my bed, having only one thought on my mind. Amber.

Three weeks without seeing Amber. This is going to be hard..

WROTE THIS WHOLE CHAPTER BETWEEN 3AM - 5:30AM. It's 5:30am now.. Exactly. 1364 Words. I could've done more but I'm tired. I spent 12 - 3am working on my next chapter for my book 'Abandon'. I have not been updating like I thought I would so im trying to change that. Even if it means staying up late. Sorry if this is bad. It's late. Anyway Ill probably be posting this later on today.. Not now. Everyone is sleep. Haha. Anyway PLEASE VOTE!! VOTE! VOTE! VOTEEE!! Thank you! And Comment how you felt about this chapter! Did Chres do the right thing? Or is he just stupid?? Let me know your thoughts!!

Until next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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