Chapter 6: The First Compound

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Diamond raises an eyebrow at White, dropping the magazine on the bed as she waits for an explination.

"Your dad has a plan," she answers bluntly, walking over to the closet and pulling out a green shirt and shorts.

This got Diamond curious. She smiles, placing her elbow on the bed and her hand under her chin.

"What kind of plan?" She asks, getting up from the bed and inching closer towards White.

White glances at her friend, clothes draped on her arm.

"They're handing me over to your grandfather and my father to get inside information," she says blandly as if she didn't care anymore.

Diamond's eyes widen as her mouth slowly falls agape.

"What!? Did I just hear you correctly?" She bursts.

"Yes. You, your brother and Ice are coming with me," she clarifies, walking over to the bathroom and shutting the door, changing into the new clothes. White could hear the muffled murmuring of Diamond walking around in a circle outside of the restroom door.

Opening the door, White smiles, grabbing her friend by the shoulders.

"Dress up already. We leave soon,"

Rolling her eyes, Diamond drags herself towards the closet and picks out a white shirt, blue hoodie and pants, then makes her way towards the bathroom, slamming it shut.

After three minutes of sloppy changing, Diamond finally emerges from the rest room. Hair ruffled up, shirt and jacket wrinkled. She gives White an irritated smile. Ever since they moved into the Resiliance Diamond has been taking life lightly, only ever going serious when she has to go train or when Angel was bugging her. She no longer had to guard over the experiments and bicker with her brother over who will guard which part of the Compound.

"Ready," she says in a mock sing song voice, grabbing the magazine spawled on the bed and dumping it on the desk, glaring at White.

White smiles, grabbing her by the wrist. "By the way, where is Angel?" She asks.

Diamond thought of this for a moment, placing a finger on the lower half of her lip, then shrugs. "Meh, who cares," she murmurs. "She must be around here somewhere, just let the girl be."

Ruffling her hair in frustration, she pushes away the thought of Angel from her mind, exiting the room with Diamond in tow behind her. Slowly, they made their way towards the small room where Mr. Andrews gathered Ice, Adam, Dimitry and White to discuss the plan.

Opening the door, White gently pushes Diamond in. Her brother, Ice and Mr. Andrews were already gatehred around the table. Everyone looks up at the two girls.

"About time you got here," Ice grumbles.

Mr. Andrews glances at White's outfit, giving a disapproving look.

"They'll fix it whn you get there anyways," he murmurs to himself. "Christopher will be taking you four to the first Compound." A pause. "Dimitry has been there once, not much changed, so I expect him to lead the way." He glances at his son, nodding once.

Dimitry smiles thinly without emotion, he still didn't like the idea of heading off to the first Compound.

"You four better get ready Christopher is coming in. . ." he takes a look at his watch. "Six minutes," he murmurs.

White gulps, turning around and storming out of the room and dashing up to the upstairs, her three other friends following her. They climbed up the stairs, opening the secret door an make their way outside of the cabin, and just as Mr. Andrews said, the black car and familiar looking driver stood there, parked and waiting for them.

Christopeh tips his fat at them, opening the car doors. Dimitry walked over and sat on the front seat next to the driver. Ice going in next, then Diamond, lastly White.

White's eyes were locked on the outside. Trees, vegatation and the occasional animal popped up. She couldn't  help but smile. half an hour quickly passes and soon the greens vanished, replaced with the city lights, crowds of laughing people and towering buildings.

It looked too familiar for the group of four.

It took another half hour to cross the city and reach the next. While in the trip, they passed the Compound where White was caged. Happiness shrouded her, happy that she finally got out of that place. Dimitry and Diamond was different though. They missed the Compound. It was their home.

Finally reaching the first Compound. Christopher lets them out, giving a kind smile. "Why were you all silent this whole trip?"

No one answers him.

Ice had fallen asleep once they reached pass the old Compound. White starts to shake his shoulder.

"Wake up sleepyhead," she whispers, hearing him grumble and groan. He starts to wake up, smiling lightly at White. She then whips her head over to the building. It was larger than the old Compound, guards were alrrady marching over to their car.

Slowly sliding out of the car seats, she brushes her shorts, unwrinkling the wrinkes that developed over the trip.

One gun was already pointed on her forehead.

"Don't try anything funny," the brown haired soldier spat.

One of them glances at Christopher. "You can now leave." He ordered.

The driver obediently nods, helping Ice and Diamond out of the car before driving away.

The soldiers soon grab each teen by the shoulder, guiding them towards the large building. Little sunlight struck it, making it look all the more dark and gloomy.

The doors open automatically, greeting them with the errie feeling in the large building. The receptionist sat there, pen in hand, scribbling something into a notebook. She looks up at them, flashing a fake grin then going back to her work.

They finally reached one door, it was white with golden door handles. Slowly, the guads open it, revealing Leon with his feet on a white table, hands behind his head as he sat on a lush black leather chair. The walls were painted in ivory white and gold, decorated with shelves upon shelves of books.

"And my daughter has finally returned!" He exclaims, chuckling, ignoring the other three. "It took you long enough,"

"What do you want from us?" She demands, gesturing to her friends to make sure Leon knew that they were there, not just some mere shadow.

He laughs, his voice booming through the large room.

Leon glares at the guards standing behind the teens. "You may now leave!" He orders.

All five of them bow their heads before turning around, closing the door and marching away, the stomping of their feet now flooding White's ears.

Leon focuses back on them, clasping his hands together as he smiles slyly, showing off his teeth.

"Well?" Dimitry demands, the first to speak besides White.

"I'm simply here to take back what was once mine," he says bluntly.


YAY! I updated in advance ( once again so happy ) which means I will update another book ( Makeshift or 365 ) today if ever I can finish! YAY! REJOICE! * runs back to writer's block mode and strats to brainstorm and drink more juice, yes, juice helps *

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