Chapter 1: Since Always

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Dear Ludwig:

I have to tell you something important,I am going straight to the point-I love you-I've always had since we were little Ludwig, how crazy,right? You must be far away from Germany I know, I hope you come back,I miss you.

Truly yours,


This letter I have written to him thousands of times, but never meant to be delivered, I have always loved him in silence, I have been always there for him as his friend,sad isn't it? Well, they say true love knows how to wait, I have been waiting since I was little, it is quite sad to think I was in love with my friend when he had important things to attend to like his piano lessons and his tragic childhood that went all the way up until his late teens in misery.
His Father was alcoholic and often hit him and his younger brothers-Johanne and Karl-
Ludwig was a very talented man-or atleast- that's what I thought...

Late Teen Years

-So,Ludwig- I said after we sat on my house's stairs-What do you plan to do with your life now?-
He looked at the afternoon sky and then bounced a rubber ball he found on the street laying around
-I want to earn some good money to take my brothers out of misery-
He then smiled and gave the rubber ball to some street kids which they were happy for his gift, he went back to me and clasped his hands together as I looked at him
-what about you,Gabithia?-
-I guess my parents are gonna arrange a wedding for me so I could marry a rich man, that way I cannot living in wealth and not poverty-
-oh and what do you think about it?-
I sighed
-well, I think is stupid, no one should pressure another to get married, more less if they do not know each other, honestly very stupid-
-so i see- said Ludwig
I smiled a bit, but then it faded as soon as I heard a very unpleasnt voice

-Gabithia!what are you doing in the stairs?Why are you outside?You'll get dirty Gabithia!Your a lady!Get up here!Right now!-

It was my Mother alright, she is always, always reminding me that I should behave like a lady even if I'm not an important person like the Royal Families
-*sigh* I should go now, Ludwig,perhaps one day I may hear you play the piano?-
He smiled from a corner of his mouth and helped me stand up
-sounds wonderfull-
I opened the door and turned to see him one last time
-see you later then?-
-very well, good night-
-Good night to you too Gabithia,dear friend-
I closed the door after saying my last good-byes and felt the pain in my heart as he said ''dear friend'' and so I'd remembered myself, he did not had any idea I was falling for him. The night went torturouse to dear Ludwig, to protect his brothers. I felt sad and amazed at the same time, I was tearing because my loved one was suffering but reminded myself of how amazed I felt by his bravery and care he felt for his siblings, I've wondered if one day he'll do the same for me. I've spent a week writing poetry and letters to him, of course not meant to be delivered, each one of them had my thoughts about how handsome he is and how talented he is and how i felt towards him. I didn't like the way he pretend he was okay when he was not, how could you fake a smile even if your living a misery and everyone knows it? It's kind of a paradox itself, I wish I could help him but his not the ''opened-man''
In wednesday he finally came to visit me and when I thought he was never going to visit me because he was busy dating someone else and the mere thought assault my mind and bringed tears in my eyes, I was delighted it wasn't true

-I was practecing my piano lessons, I apologize if I made you wait longer than expected-

That gentlemen actitud made me fall for him even more, he is just so handsome
-I figured that if I'd sharpened my skills you'll find enjoyment out of it-
-very well- I said-It took you lots of effort to do so?-
He nodded
-I was thinking on doing a trip to Vienna to take classes with Mozart-
I flip open gracefully my fan as I heard him talk about his dream of getting out of poverty and his frustrations about being up all night forced to practice more of his piano abilities, suddenly a question flashed trough my mind, it past through my tongue before I relized it got out.
-Did you actually choosed to play the piano, Ludwig?-
He stopped walking and looked at me straight at my dark-chocolate eyes, I felt he was looking for something, rumagging trough my secrets and thoughts.

-Pardon me, Gabithia?-

He was acting as if he had amnesia, like if he had no idea of what was I talking about but knew too well so instead tooks pride on not answering, typical.
-Ludwig, your not deaf, you know what I've said, I'm not replying myself again-
I flipped open my fan again and took a walk by myself leaving Ludwig behind, after a while I felt a hand on my wrist, I was scared at first but when I turned around I was realived and like the proud person I am, I pretended to still be mad at him
-Excuse me for my rudeness Gabithia I didn't mean to offend you with my insufficient manners- he said softly pulling me closer to him

I felt a tense ambientation on us as I looked up at him and raised my oversized lady-like hat (which has a giantnormeous bow in the front) and felt I should kiss him, but it did not happened
-Apology accepted- I finally said after a long gazing experience- I shouldn't have said such personal and ignorant question as that one-
-No worries my friend-

Again, it hurted!

-Very well- I said faking a smile and suddenly realized Ludwig's statement on faking a smile when your not doing fine
-Shall we go to my chamber and play the piano for your delight?-
-Sounds excellent-
We soon arrieved back to his house and lead me to his chamber where I use to play when his Mother was alive and I had a young age. There was an old piano on his bedroom, I took a seat on his bed's edge and waited patiently as he got ready to play for me.
-It's not finished yet so excuse me if I don't make it until the end, okay?-
-I'll understand Ludwig, you must not preassure a genius on his most inspiring moments, right?-

He nodded silently and sad


He spuned around and skillfully stared to play on the keys of the piano, I loved the way he played, sometimes I could hear closely on my own chamber when he composed his art work which name's keep secret from me

-That's all I have for now- he said after he ended his composition

I clapped softly lady-like
-so, what do you think so far Gabithia?-
-I think its wonderful Ludwig-
-Thank you, it means a lot to me-
I smiled, I felt kinda bad expecting he'll offer me something to drink or eat since he dosen't have enough for only Johanne and Karl had it to survive and I heard countless of times on how Ludwig stayed hungered to give more for them and whenever I could, my heart moved on giving him a cest with plenty of food so none of them could sleep with it's stomachs empty.
-Your lucky my Father is not here Gabithia, he'll had armed a scandal and twist everything to your Mother-
-What about your brothers?-
-They're asleep, I always get them to rest so I could handle all the trouble, but not always goes as planned-
I felt my eyes watering and tried to control myself
-You must pardon me Ludwig but i must go-
-I'll make you company so nothing bad happens to you, I don't want my Father bumping into you and hurt you badly-

I accepted his company and also insisted on opening the door for me so I accepted as well
-Thank you for everything Ludwig, you have been a real gentleman-
-No worries Gabithia-
-Sleep well-
-Good Night-
I closed the door behind me and couldn't help but finally let my tears out as I got to my chamber, when I calmed downI took a bath and got ready for dinner
-Gabithia, darling, how are you doing?- asked my Father as he approched to the dinning room
-I'm doing okay-
-Did Ludwig treat you well?- he asked as we sat down
-He was a gentleman Father-
-Well enough talking you two- said Mother -No talking in the table-
I felt like dying as I ate my bread and bean soup my Mother made, it made me remember of poor Ludwig

Six Days Later

I found myself exasperated knowing Ludwig was out of Germany to take lessons with Mozart, I was confined in my chamber, busy writing to him well behaved letters asking if he was okay, the good news though was that his young siblings were here under our well protection
-I've noticed the way you look at my brother Lady Gabithia- said Karl when he surprised me one day writing a letter to Ludwig precisely
-You do?-
-Yes- he paused -Are you in love with my brother?-
''Since always'' I wanted to answer but I just managed to look at him with kindness
-Go play with your brother, would you darling?- I said with sweetness in my voice
-Okay- he said smiling and took off

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