t h i r t e e n

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my eyes widen even more. after such a long time i finally see him again. i think my heart just exploded. i slightly part my slips before he looks at me. his eyes widen and in the blink of an eye i cant see. i feel legs around my waist and arms around my neck. i hear yoongi squealing in my ear as i realise whats happening.

i missed that squeal. i quickly put my hands around him and breathe in his scent. he still smells perfect. i quietly try and whisper into his chest. "god, i missed you so much." i can feel my left shoulder getting wet and i start crying too. i hear a "lets give them some time." before some ruffling sounds and a few seconds later the fence clirrs.

yoongi lifts his head from my shoulder and i look at him. his puffy eyes and red nose still look adorable on him and his hair is sliglty ruffled. "i love you." is the only thing he says before i feel his lips on mine. i hold back a gasp and kiss back, before pulling back and answering.

"i love you too. where were you all this time?" new tears fill my eyes but he cups my face with his hands, ready to wipe them away. "im so sorry. i never wanted to leave you. it was my mom. she found out about us and i never expected it from her but she reacted in a very homophobic way."

i qickly kiss him again before he can continue and smile at him. "she made me break all contact with you and before i knew, we were in a moving van to seoul. but after a few months i finally escaped her and moved to my dad who happens to live in this neighbourhood. and when hobi said your name i got so happy because my mom destroyed my old phone and every way i could talk to you, because every time i tried she would hurt me. but i wanted to so bad. i missed you so much."

there are now tears streaming down both our faces, but they are happy tears so its okay. we kiss again and i loudly sob afterwards. "i cant believe i can actually hold you again. i couldnt stand being without you so long. it hurt so much."

he flashes a gummy smile and i flash my box smile. he is still sitting on me and its getting heavy so i sit down and lean against the wall. for the rest of the time we just cuddle before the bell for class rings. " i dont wanna get up." yoongi complains as he throws his head back in annoyance.

"come on, we can cuddle after class and at home. you can come over if you want. i still have my cuddly bed." i stand up with him before wiping away the last few tears and fixing his hair. "oookay, but only if i get hot chocolate." he pouts at me. "of course, my little prince." we giggle before i kiss him one last time and we head back to the school building.

yoongi kisses my cheek as our ways part and i go over to my locker again. taking a good look at the papers the secretary gave me, i memorize where i have my classes and quickly hurry to my first one. i kock on the door before opening it and stepping inside.

"ah, you must be our new student! welcome! introduce yourself please!" a very energetic oldish man basically screamed at me. smiling, i turn around to the class and spot a familiar face. on the left side of the room is sitting namjoon. nodding to myself, i start speaking.

"Hello, im kim taehyung and i moved here from daegu. its nice to meet you all." facing the teacher again, i hear one or two small whispers from the class. "here your book" he says as he handed me a blue book with some pictures on it. "and you can sit beside hyojong!" pointing at a smaller boy on the right side of the room, he smiled.

i walk over to my seat and put my things down. "his name is mr. jung, by the way. he always forgets to mention it." says hyojong with a friendly smile. "thank you."i whisper back, since mr. jung has started speaking again.

the next hour is a lot of fun, since mr. jung was a very funny teacher. he somehow manages to teach a lot in an entertaining way. when the bells ring, namjoon walks up to me. "so youre interested in philosophy?" he asks with a smirk.

"yeah i guess. a teacher at my old school said i should take it do i did." i smile as i swing my backpack over my shoulder and we walk away. on the way to the tree we pass both our lockers and quickly change the stuff for the next class.

we arrive at the tree and see only hoseok leaning against it,waiting. "hey! do you have classes together or did you just meet?" he smiles brightly and sits down. "yeah, we have philosphy." i answer as i sit down and lean against the wall. namjoon sits down opposite hobi and pulls a book out of his backpack.

hoseok and i start talking a bit while namjoon reads as we wait for the others.
"so your dad teaches us philosophy?" i grin as i point to namjoon and myself.
"yeah. and hes also our math teacher. its werid, man." he sighs but smiles and throws his head back. "i cant imagine." i chuckle before i hear people jumping over the fence.

my head turns and i see jin and yoongi walking towards us. the moment yoongi sees me he walks faster and smiles a big gummy smile. i return the smile and open my arms. he jumps right into them and we hug tightly.

he kisses me before he takes off his backpack and turns around to lean against me. i slide my arms around his belly and he puts his backpack down beside mine. "god thats disgustingly cute, i love it." jin comments as he sits down. we all chuckle enjoying the atmosphere.

im just really soft for taegi okay this is gonna become a crack fic

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