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Niome's p.o.v:

Great my favorite class......not.See science i do not like and i am not good at anything in science. Math....yes,English.....yes,Science.....nope.I hate science i have a strong hatred for science.(sorry for the people who actually  like science) I walk in the room knowing that i was late.....again." Ah Miss Jackson late again i see.""i'm sorry Mark i just don't really look up to your class." was the thought that went through my head but i kept the thought back,"sorry i had to go change my clothes." i walk over to my seat and sit down,'' Ok as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted back to what i was saying." i sighed putting my earphones in and starting to doodle. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and i look up at the person."Can i help you?" i say "your in my seat." i look up at the schools "bad boy" up and down and get up and moved to the back of the class. i stuck my earphones and continued to doodle. i wasn't the best at drawling but i was decent. i was better at music. i played the ukulele,the drums,the piano,the guitar,and the bass clairent. i used to be in the band but i gave up on that and kind of made music on the side.

I had a weird feeling that someone was looking at me and when i looked up it was  Zach Evans  total bad boy the one you see smoking a cigarette, leather jacket, hair swept to the side perfectly the end of his hair hanging right above his eye the end touching the top of his eyebrow tattoos all of his body darkest chocolate brown eyes jawline so sharp it would cut you just by touching it and a smile that could kill for days on end. anyways we were having a eye staring contest when the bell rung.

 i broke the eye contact and packed my stuff and walked out not glancing at Zach and heading down to theater one of my favorite classes. Unfortunately Victoria and her little gang was here.She had the biggest crush on Zach i believe she has a shrine of him, but hey who am i to judge. "welcome class take your seats i have switched the seats today so you will be getting back up shortly."i groan softly and seat in my seat. She was naming a lot of names and pointing to the seats they were going to be sitting in and finally she calls mine,"Athena Niome Jackson right here ." i sighed walking over to the other side where the windows were at." Zach Evans next to Athena."''uh i go by Niome." i get ignored and i look out the window.Great this class is going to be long. 

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