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Niome's p.o.v:

Not even 5 minutes in class Zach already decided to get "comfy" and by comfy i mean him putting his feet on my desk and leaning back on his chair." You were the one that was in my seat." i roll my eyes ignoring him. He starts to whistle and annoying tune that was slowly irritating me and i could tell that he knew what he was doing because he was smirking at me and i sighed out."What a fine day it is,don't you think , i just love the fresh air it makes me feel all happy." i lean on my hand rolling my eyes."are you ignoring me what was your name,oh right Athena Niome Jackson." "Yes and you are the one and only Zach Evans a royal pain in my ass." " And she speaks who would of thought of that the girl who doesn't talk finally talked and to me i feel like i have accomplished life.'' "and you are still annoying."

 " i try i really do i had fun when we were kids. especially when you had that crush on me." i sighed out and looked at him," i was eight." " yep an adorable eight year old." "and you were an annoying nine year old." He laughs and looks at me " no matter what you always thought i was annoying." "yea because you were." " i just wanted to say sorry about your dad." i looked down and blinked the tears away," it's not your fault he wasn't worth it anyways."

 Zach sighed and looked to his right and i look and see that Victoria was twirling her hair and biting her lip,staring at Zach, " she looks like she's a murderer ready to kidnap you and make you into her personal slave to go get her shit. she also looks like she's a crack head." i mumble to Zach and he looks at me with a bored expression," please she is obsessed with me, i mean she's Ok but she try's to hard,it's like i have to be with her and if i don't it would be the end of the world." " Ya i can see that how do you manage to survive." "i mean you should know you had that stalker what was his name oh right James Walker, total stalker."

 "ya he was. but he is gone for now." "Ya for now what if he comes back." " i do not know but all i know is that i don't want to deal with him anymore but i feel like he will keep on trying even though he ain't getting none." '' that sucks you got a crazy stalker i have one that is in love with me." "yep." and i end the conversation there and listen to my favorite teacher," there is going to be a play and the people that you are sitting next to will be your partner and i will choose your play." i groan and hit my head on the desk." it seems like we will be spending time together." i hear a growl and me and Zach turn and see Victoria glaring at me. i sigh out and look at the window," great."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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