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I raised my eyebrow at him. I was ready for a challenge; a new adventure, in which, I wouldn't be afraid anymore. 

Luke Skywalker lightly flicked his hood from over his forehead. He outstretched both of his hands to meet the lightsaber, his lightsaber. The metal forming his right hand made a quiet squeal against the casing of the lightsaber as he curled his fingers around it. 

He raised his eyes from his past and he looked to the future, to Rey and I, and then he threw the lightsaber over his shoulder.

My lips split. I looked to Rey, who looked at me, and we both turned back to Luke, only to step apart when he walked in between us and away from our confrontation.

"Master Skywalker!" breathed Rey in disbelief.

She and I followed him through the rocky terrain of the island Ach-To. We followed him, although, for his old age, he was agile, and we were greeted with what appeared to be a village.

Less than a dozen small formations of rock huts were set in an uneven circle on the edge of the island. Stones of various sizes led pathways around the village. Rey and I walked through the common area, passing a rack of decaying fish and averting the fire pit in the center. They were clouded with the idea of one man living on this island, alone. 

The squeaking of a forged metal door scraping shut alerted them to where Luke had gone to. 

"Master Skywalker, I'm from the Resistance," said Rey through the door. "Your sister Leia sent me. We need your help."

I tapped the door with my foot. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

We were met with silence. 

"Give him some time, maybe?" I suggested, squinting at the door. "Let's get Chewie to break down the door and force him to listen to us."

"Sounds like a plan," agreed Rey. 

Rey and I began the hike back to the Falcon. Halfway there, they passed the point where Luke had thrown the lightsaber, and decided I would retrieve it.

Less than a mile down from the edge of the cliff, the silver metal was spotted on the ledge of a short cliff. I ventured down the island and across steep ledges with only enough room for half of her foot to fit, I scratched my palms trying to grasp on the rock, leaving bloodied handprints on the rock. When I got close enough to jump, I leapt to the cliff, risking the danger, to save my hands. 

Though I hadn't planned to, I didn't jump far enough, and just planted my feet on the edge. Wobbling for balance, I squeaked slightly. Unintentionally, I used the Force to propel myself forward and safely onto the cliff. I whipped my head from my hands to the ledge where I had almost fallen and I nodded, pleased, by a power I didn't know I could tap into. 

Joining me on the cliff were three birds. They were varying mixes of orange and grey throughout their backs, though all their stomachs were big and white. Each shared a vulnerable look, due to their massive eyes and sketched frowns under their noses. They were cute birds, I decided, as they blinked up at me. 

I didn't have to do much other than step forward to cause them to flee, squealing and squawking following them as they flew away. I scooped the lightsaber into my hand and hooked it onto my belt, opposite of my own lightsaber. 

Placing my hands on my hips, I cast my eyes to the route back. I then stared directly up, the shortcut, which involved jagged cliffs, although too short to walk along, perfect size for my hands to fit on. Upper body strength within myself wasn't extensive, though could be tested. 

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