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Taekwoon immediately ran out of the house by himself at a speed of light while leaving the 6 of them at home without realizing he ended up wearing mismatched slippers and going out with his sloppy torn pajamas

And before the other 6 stopped him and told him to dress properly before heading out, he already slammed the main gate without locking the door.

"I know....visiting hours are over, but please. Tell me those news I saw on TV were false"

Taekwoon looked at the nurse with pleading eyes, hoping that all of these were just a lie or s nightmare he haven't woke up to

The doctor did not dare to reply him, he basically just shooked his head with his face showing only one word;-guilt.

Without saying another word, he ran to his ward, only to see the horrific, yet expected scene of a vacant bed with blood stains on the floor that had yet to be completely cleaned.

And there goes Taekwoon collapsing on the floor, unable to get up by his own.

"Shit....it's happening.."

He mumbled and cursed under his breathe, before he went completely unconscious.

As the time slowly passed, the more uneasy and worried the 6 of them felt. They knew about Taekwoon's condition after being hidden in hakyeon's body for more than 4 years; as Hakyeon gets more distant away from Taekwoon, the weaker Taekwoon gets. And if he's too far away, he may even be into a state of unconsciousness. Nobody knew the cause of this; not even Taekwoon himself.

"No, we can't just leave him there. We have to go, now." Brian suggested.

But before they could head out of the house, they could feel Taekwoon's phone starting to vibrate and his screen lighting up.

Unknown number:
Make your way down to the forest near your house with my 6 other creations, I miss them. Also, the green potion. Bring it along.
-hakyeon's director"


Taekwoon managed to open his eyes an hour or two after midnight, only to see only 5 of them gathering infront of him.

"We knew what happened to you, so we quickly made our way here" Brian voiced.

"Where's.....Kwangho??" Taekwoon asked

They did not say a word, they only showed him the message they received before they got out of the house.

"We dont believe this message was sent by our creator. So Kwangho told us to accompany you, while he go check it out since he's a policemen."

Brian broke the silent and serious atmosphere that was slowly building up after Taekwoon regained consciousness.

"We have to get out of here" Taekwoon quickly took out the drip that was injected into hands and immediately took the hoodie and jeans Brian was holding on his hands that was actually meant for Brian himself and dressed up

"Taekwoon you jus-"

" Listen. According to the show he was in, he was to find a person in the forest and ended up dying in his hands. I can't leave him alone just like that, he may end up going the same route as the show he was in."

Taekwoon had no choice but to cut Dongjae off, and immediately rushed out of the hospital with the 5 of them obediently following him. The nurses and doctors tried stopping him from going any further, but Taekwoon simply ignored them and ran out of the hospital.


"I...will never let you off"

Kwangho suffered from multiple cuts and bruises on his body,sustaining a few knife cuts that caused the almost lifeless man unable to stand up with his two feet.

"You still not giving up, little kid??"

A guy, wearing a black hat and hoodie smirked. While stepping Kwangho's hands, causing him to groan and yell in pain.

"That's enough" A soft, yet threatening voice travelled across. There stood a man with blue coloured eyes delicated facial features holding a knife; Jung Taekwoon.

"Ahhhh... You are finally here. I was waiting for you!!" He let go of Kwangho's hand and shouted back; yes,the brother of Hakyeon's director. 

"Let go of them. And let free of your brother. I get it, he betrayed you. But don't go till this extent. You will get a big consequence, from me of course."

Taekwoon said in a stern threatening voice, trying to scare him away.

But that didn't help. In fact, it made the whole situation worser.

"Well, let's see if you could still keep such a straight, fierce looking face after that."

"Get him out"

He ordered his fellow gang members

One of them carried a motionless, pale looking body out of nowhere and threw him on the floor.

"h-hak......" Taekwoon knelt on the ground, his stern expression faded away, and tears started pouring down.

(A/n: pretty quick update huh HAHAHA ok I'm gonna sleep after that sorry if there are mistakes bless my horrible writing skills I shouldn't write it at night I'd now go sleep)

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