Chapter 2: 🐝 All's Fair In Love And War 🐝

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Shelli's p.o.v

***** Edited *****

Mine and Rye's prank wars are legendary well they are for those who witness them. It can get bad in the last one someone feel down the stairs ( me ) only because there was shaving foam all over the place ( Rye's fault ) but still that's part of the game. The funny thing is that since Rye joined Roadtrip there hasn't been a single prank war which is why I'm trying to recruit Brooklyn to help me get Rye back for earlier.
"You do realise that this is rye we are talking about? He will do something to us but just as bad as what we do to him." Brooklyn insisted.
"Yh but you have never seen me prank anyone before." I said smiling." I need to tell you about some of the pranks I've pulled on him."
"Yh your going to need to to convince me that we can get him good." He said still not convinced.
"Well my top prank to date is that I covered all of the bottom sheet of his bed in shaving foam and he got it everywhere he was so mad it was funny." I said laughing at the memory.
Fine I'll help but if he comes back its all on you." Brook said smiling to.
"You really don't think I can handle him do you?" I said accusingly.
No its not that its that you don't have to live with him when he get is into stuff like this." Brook replied not looking at me.
"Don't worry this is all fun and games." I said looking to where they were setting up and starting to get some inspiration.

So we have been at the location for about an hour and I can't get Rye on his own. Its really annoying and i just want to do it. Wait is brook leading him to the lake? I need to follow them the plan wont work without someone there to push him in.
I can hear that talking about something well I say something its more food then anything. I notice then that they are so close to the edge that rye is basically asking to be pushed. I creep forward trying my best not to make a sound till I'm close enough to him to push him. As I do Brook looks at me and Rye then see's me mid push so as he Fall's he grabs me with his hand so that now I'm falling in with him.
"AAAAAH !" We both scream before we both crash into the water.

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