Chapter 7

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I Mia Thermopolis am going insane. Lilly won't stop talking about how we should protest the grading standards of our teachers. I don't care about them I just want to get through life without any problems and protesting grades will cause me problems that I don't want. She keeps texting me while I'm trying to write in my journal. It is one of my pet peeves like trying to text someone while someone else texts you.

Then I had to go out to dinner with Grandmère and dad. It was BORING as usual. Grandmère kept on badgering me about my dating life. She was saying that I needed to find a suitable consort or whatever and I don't see myself finding one that she likes because the only guy I would want to be my consort would be Michael (he thinks of me as a little sister so yeah that sucks) . Ugg I just want to get home take a shower and go to bed with Fat Louie Curled up beside me.

Lars is talking to Tina's body guard on his new blackberry. I am pretty sure his gun is still his favorite thing to play with but there are no gun rages for him to go play at.

Lars says we are almost home three blocks or so. (Traffic sucks)

Yes were here. I'm home. I'm home. Talk more tomorrow.

With Lilly After school

I cannot believe I am becoming like Mia. I mean I love a lot and I did even before I thought she was my sister but please she has like some compulsive need to write in a journal ever since her mother gave her a journal last year after her maybe our Dad broke the news to her about her being a princess.

I don't want to write in this stupid notebook but my therapist wants me to express my feelings about my adoption and stuff like that but I don't want her to know that. So I just wrote like three "essay" length entries about how I felt betrayed and all that junk just to shut her up. I keep the one I'm writing in now hidden and hidden well.

The only thing I worry about is being a princess but Mia and I have decide that she'll teach me what Clarisse has been teaching her until Phillipe and Helen tell her that I'm the other princess. Mia thinks the princess thing won't be so bad if I'm there to do it with her and I would think the same thing of her if our places were switched but locally not because she has a major crush on Michael my brother adoptive but still my brother.

I'm not completely worried about the whole princess thing because one I have a guy that I am completely enamored with but he doesn't know I'm alive and two the way teachers grade our assignments. I can't stand that because I love school but hate it because they don't treat Mia and I the same as the cheerleaders like Lana Weinberger. Although I do feel sorry for her because she's adopted too and hers was a closed adoption and mine wasn't. The only reason it's taking a long time finding my parents is because they have since moved divorced or god knows what.

Well I'm going to work on what to do to protest the grading standards maybe even get some ideas from Mia.

Saturday with Mia

Today is boring. I had to go and do a princess lesson with grandmère I do those every single day of the week the weekend is suppose to be my days off from her. She decide that I needed extra lessons on how to deal with the press because I cussed them out last night (I had asked Lars to go with me to get ice cream after dinner with grandmère) when they said that my parents were wrong for giving my sister up they said that one of them should have taken me and the other should have taken who ever my sister is like our lives were the parent trap or something.

I just got so mad that the string of words slipped. I don't care. My mom doesn't care. Mr. G doesn't care. My dad doesn't care. Grandmère is the only one that the words bother. I'm a teenage I'm bound to use those words sometime so she should just cry a river build a bridge and get the heck over it already.

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