Chapter 18

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This is a flash back chapter. It explains a little about how and why the girls were separated. Also wemon can get pregers after already being pregers but it is very rare that it happens.


Fifteen Years Earlier...

A young woman walked alone into a hospital. It had been raining and she was soaked to the bone and shivering. She had just walked through the automatic doors when she hunched over clutching her stomach in pain. She knew it was going happen she wasn't due for another two months and hadn't been expecting it to happen so soon.

When the pain subsided she walked up to the check in desk and rang the bell they had sitting there. She was again hit with pain as a nurse came out of a back room to answer her call. "In labor." She croaked out before sliding to the floor.

The nurse had rushed around the desk and crouched in front of the woman checking her vitals.

"I need help. I have a woman in her mid to early twenties in labor!" the nurse hollered.

Another nurse came around the desk with a wheel chair. Together the nurse's got the woman in to the chair and rushed her to a delivery room.

"My b.. My boy..." the woman started to call out before she had passed out.

"What was she saying?" the first nurse asked the second.

"I have no clue maybe she's having a baby boy."

The transferred the woman to a bed with the help of an orderly. They hooked her up to a heart monitor for the baby and herself.

They left the room after making sure her and the baby's vitals were okay.

Two Hours Later...

"Her vitals are fine now. They just went a little haywire." A nurse told the doctor standing in front of her.

"Okay has anyone run an ultrasound on her?"

"No one has run an ultrasound on Mother Doe." The nurse replied.

"Mother Doe?" the doctor asked rising his eyebrows.

"We don't know who she is. So instead of just calling her Jane Doe we replaced Jane with Mother. Fitting I think."

"Yes it is fitting. I'll have an Ultrasound tech come down and run one. We need to know how developed the child is and how many there are if there is more than one."

"Okay. I'll be waiting for them."

Ten Minutes Later...

The nurse had been sitting by Mother Doe's side for most of her shift. She continued to worry about the unknown woman who looked so much like her own mother when she was younger.

Knock knock

"I was told to come down here and run an ultrasound." Another woman said walking in with a cart.

"Yes on Mother Doe here." The nurse said pointing to the woman on the bed.

The ultra sound tech had plugged in the machine and continued to work. "Oh My," she said after a few minutes. There are at least two children in there. I can only find two heart beats and two babies but from the size of her abdomen I wouldn't be surprised if there was a third in there."

"They are fine but I would suggest a C-section the second heart beat seems a little weak and could get weaker by the minute if they stay in there."

"Do you want to tell Dr. Lanky or should I?" asked the nurse.

"I'll tell him. I have to perform an ultrasound on another patient of his anyway." The tech replied.

"I'll stay here."

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