Once Upon A Coffee Shop - Katsuki Bakugou

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IT ALL STARTED WHEN  Kirishima invited him to visit the newly opened coffee shop near U.A, forcefully. Bakugou didn't like coffee that much, but he agreed anyways after Kirishima begged and bothered him for the whole day. Besides, what could happen if he just took a small visit and check the place out?

"Bakugou, let's go now! I'm so excited!" Kirishima approached Bakugou with a lopsided grin, his spiky red hair slick and hard as always. "If we do not hurry, we might fall back in the crowd!"

"Shut the fuck up, Shitty Hair," Bakugou answered in annoyance, packing his bag neatly, tired of Kirishima's constant yapping. "The freaking coffee shop ain't going nowhere."

"Yeah, but still!" Kirishima replied back, tapping his foot on the floor impatiently. "I heard that there's a beautiful girl that works there, so I really want to check her out, and see if it's true!"

"Whatever, Shitty Hair," Bakugou rolled his eyes, slinging his bag on his shoulders. Kirishima sighed in relief, and both of them proceeded to walk outside the building 0f U.A, which stands tall, almost intimidating.

"I wonder what she will look like..." Kirishima pondered, getting a little bit too excited. "I bet she's going to have long, brown hair with green eyes, and—"

"Shut up!" Bakugou shouted at Kirishima's face, an irk mark showing clearly on the top of his head. "Whatever the woman looks like, there's no way that she'll be my type, ha!"

"Geez, you're not manly at all," Kirishima muttered, saying it as quiet as he could to prevent from angering the explosive boy.

The two young males walked in a normal
pace, talking about some things— mainly Kirishima does the talking while Bakugou remained angry and such— until they reached a small building, entitled with the name 'Herobucks' on the sign. It had a symbol of All Might's hair with black explosions beside it, and Bakugou thought it was interesting.

A chime of bell rang as Kirishima opened the shop's door, intrigued and curious. There is a long line of customers, queuing for their orders. And that's when he saw her.

"Please line up, everyone, I will take your orders one by one," the (h/l) (h/c)-haired girl talked, loud enough for the bustling customers to hear. They lined up accordingly, which greatly made the girl smile in relief.

"Damn, Bakugou... Look at her! It's true after all, that the girl working here is beautiful and kind," Kirishima whispered to Bakugou's ear softly, admiring the girl's beauty.

"I guess, but I'm not interested," Bakugou answered in a bored tone, which made Kirishima punch him playfully in the arm.

"Really? You sure, bro?" Kirishima smirked slyly, nudging the explosive boy's shoulder once more. "If you're sure, I'm going to get in line and try to make up a conversation with her."

"Do what you want, Shitty Hair, I came here for coffee, not to flirt with some girl that works here," Bakugou replied, irritated with the red-haired male. Kirishima just shook his head, and stride towards the long queue, Bakugou trailing behind him.

"Thank you for your order, please do wait on the pick-up counter," the girl said with a cheerful tone, then glanced at Kirishima. "Next, please!"

"Bakugou, listen here, I know how to get this girl hanging to me, just watch," Kirishima whispered to Bakugou with a mysterious glint in his eyes, before walking towards the counter where the girl waited patiently.

"Hello, what would you like to order?" the girl said, and Kirishima took a quick glance at her name tag, which is written in bold by the name '(Y/n) (L/n)'.

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