Chapter 5 XD

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After the girls left we left too. Once we got to the hotel I asked the guys if they wanted To go to the pool so we changed into our trunks. Once everybody was done we headed down to the pool and we saw some girls there. Then some girl was walking backwards and bumped into Matt and one of her friends started laughing and ran to help her up. Matt turned red and got up, then the girls ran to where the rest of the girls were.


I was going to get something from the room but I turned around because Veronica was talking to me and I bumped into someone but I didn't see who it was until we were both on the floor and veronica came to help me up after laughing her ass off, then I got up and saw that I had bumped into Matt and he was bright red and I was about to apologize when Veronica pulled me back to the girls because she knew I was embarrassed.


I was on the floor with a girl on my chest because I "accidentaly" tripped her while she was walking backwards and then her friend came and got her off me and it looked like she was going to say something but her friend pulled her away towards the rest of the girls. Then I felt my face get red and I got up and Carter was smirking at me. After the girl left we went to find a place to sit. After we found our seats the guys dived in the pool I was the last one in, but before going in I looked around, then I saw the girl that fell on me was looking at me and when I looked at her we made eye contact ,she blushed, and quickly turned away maybe she was embarrassed. I was bought out of my thoughts when Cameron yelled at me yelling me to hurry up then I quickly took off my shirt and jumped in. When I got up for air all the guys were talking and I was left alone. Then one of the girls came up to me and told me to come with her, I did as she asked, then while I was following her I remembered the she was the girl who came and helped the other girl off me.


I saw Matt jump into the pool then all the girls went to the hallway because we got an idea. Then the girls were gone so I went over to Matt and told him to come with me he didn't ask any questions he just did what I asked then we got to the hallway then we told him our plan. Our plan was to get the water guns and spray all the boys. Matt agreed so we will do it. We went back to the lobby and got out the guns from the secret hiding spot and Matt just stood there looking out just in case the other boys came, then I saw him turn around looking for someone then he was looking at Gaby and she was talking to Tory then Tory dropped Gaby's water gun and she bend down to get it then I looked back at Matt and his eyes were wide open and I bursted out laughing then all their attention was at me, once I was done we went back to the pool and all the boys were facing the opposite direction so I gave them the "coast clear" signal and they all came in running and they started to spray the guys. When we were done spraying all the guys all the guys got out and all the girls tried to run but each guy grabbed one girl and carried her and jumped in the pool together including me, Shawn was the one grabbing me and I tried to get out of his grip he just tightened his grip even more.


Once I saw what the guys were doing I tried running but someone grabbed me by my waist and jumped in the pool with me still in his arms. When I got up for air I turned to see who was still holding me and I turned to face the one and only Matthew Espinosa and we were a little too close and didn't realize until the rest of the guys and girls started oohing. I felt my self turned red so I tried turning around but Matt just hugged me closer so I buried my face in my hands and realized I liked being in his arms, even if I was only in a bathing suit, so I just stayed there with him.


When I noticed Matt wasn't around I turned around and I got sprayed. I don't know why I didn't react to it but when the girls ran out of water the boys and me got on and got out and grabbed one of the girls and jumped in with them in our arms but me, I just pushed her in but she grabbed my arm and pulled me into the water and I fell intothe water and I fell in with her. Then when I got up for air I looked around and saw everybody laughing exept Matt and this one girl and they were a little too close if you ask me. Then everybody noticed and she tried to get out of his grip but then he just tightend his grip more and then I noticed I was holding the girl I fell in with and honestly I think i like her.

Gaby's P.O.V.

After i got out of the pool i went to sit on a chair and grabbed my phone and went to Twitter to see what was going on. Then i hear people laughing so i look up to see everyone smack camming eachother so i recorded them on Vine and tagged all of them, then i could hear a couple of phones getting notifications and i thought it was funny so i laughed and i think i laughed a little too loud because everybody was staring at me so i told them to 'go check your phones'. Then all of them did go check their phones and soon everyone was laughing. Then they all left to the pool ecept for Matt. So then i just went back to my phone until heard someone clearing up their throat and i looked up and Matt was just standing there so i sat up to listen to him and he just sat next to me.

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