Chapter 1

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The New Games: 

I don't own Glee, The Hunger Games or any of the characters. Although I wish I did. 

Chapter 1:

The day of the reaping. Again. Kurt couldn't recall how many times he had gone over it all in his head. 

'The 50th anniversary of The Hunger Games. Four candidates will be chosen from each district. I have my name in nearly 50 times. And may the odds be ever in your favour.' 

He stood amid the crowd of people, all off them dressed in the same colours. Each and every person in district seven had turned up to watch the so called 'festivities'. Kurt Hummel felt sick to his stomach. He was only eighteen, yet his name was in the bowl up on stage nearly three times that amount. There was whispering amongst the crowd. Everyone was talking about him, he could feel their words crawling on his skin. 

'That Kurt Hummel' They would say. 'It's his own fault if he gets chosen.' 

Kurt knew by now that he wasn't very well liked in district seven. He knew wasn't very well liked anywhere in Panem. No-one that was gay ever was. Kurt had heard stories of legends of myths of fairy tales that there had once been a time when to be gay was alright. That was the only thing that kept him sane. The fact that there has been a time when he would've been accepted, and there will be a time again. 

If he survived this final year. 

He heard the sound of well tailored shoes on a wooden floor as their escort appeared on stage. Six thousand eyes trained onto him. He was definitely not from the district. His Capitol teeth were polished and straight. His shining blonde hair was slicked back and his green eyes sparkled from beneath the violent purple that made him look like a panda, yet, Kable Geller was something to look twice at. His olive skin clashed beautifully with his amazing cloths. His vocabulary was just as big as his ego, and his diction was crisp and perfect.  But all the crowd showed was a pure hatred for the smiling man, because they all knew that this would be the man sending four children to their deaths. 

Kable took a deep breath, his smile widening. A low and confident voice spread through the crowd as he spoke slowly into the microphone. 

'Hello, and welcome to the people off District 7. Hello, and welcome to the reaping of the 50th annual Hunger Games!' The last syllables echoed off the stone walls surrounding them. An eerie silence filled the entire town. Kable's smile faltered microscopically before resuming its position in his face. He looked down into the sea of green below him, stretching for what seemed like miles backwards. At the front were all the children. The terrified twelve year olds and the adamant thirteen year olds. Then the fourteens, fifteens, sixteens and so on. Organised and poised. Ready to cry for their beloved neighbours that had the unfortunate experience to have their names picked out of the bowls. 

Still smiling. Kable leaned back into the microphone before trying to lift the tension.

'Let's get this started!' It didn't work. Kable walked over to the glass bowl in his right, filled with hundreds of small strips of pink paper. Kable rolled back his sleeve and plunged in is hand. It surfaced with one either in-between to muscular fingers. Slowly taking it in both hands, he unfolded it. 

'Your first contestant is...Tecca Heptor! Congratulations!' A small mousy girl in one of the front rows screamed and fell to her knees. All that could be heard bouncing around the town centre were her violent sobs. The giant televisions that were mounted on the walls showed showed images of her small shoulders shaking as she cried. 

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