Accept It

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*Mitzy's Pov*

"Mitzy will you be my girlfriend?" Nash asks me.

"Yes Nash I will be your girlfriend." I say and look at him.

"Are you serious?" He asks me.

I nod "Yes" and place my lips into his. We back up for air and look at each other.

"Are we going to tell anyone?" Nash asks me.

"Yes." I say.

"Not our parents right?" He asks.

"Especially our parents. Look Nash, they just have to accept it. I'm just tired of it. If dad doesn't accept us.... Then he'll have to deal with it." I tell Nash.

"Your right, we shouldn't be hiding anymore." He says and pecks my lips.

"But what if he doesn't accept it?" Nash asks me.

"Then he could go fuck himself." I tell him and we both laugh.

"Lets go?" I ask him.

He nods and we walk out my room, holding hands.

We walk downstairs and they all started to stared at us.

"Woah woah, what is this?" Chad asked pointing at us hollding hands.

"That's what we need to talk about dad." I say with a smirk.

"Okay both of you, in the living room now!" He says strictly.

Me and Nash give each other a glance and laugh.

We go into the living room and get ready for his bullshit.

"What were you guys thinking?" Our dad asks us.

"Um being together." I say in a duh tone.

"You guys know that I wont accept it!" He yells.

"Well accept it! You separated us once, but it's not going to happen again!" I yell at him.

"Are you guys okay in the head? Nash what did i tell you?!?!? That it isn't right to date each other if you are related!" Chad tells Nash.

"Dad just stop it, you are being ridiculous. Were in a relationship. Accept it, and if you cant then live with it." Nash tells Chad firmly.

Chad chuckles as my mom walks in the living room.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"They are apparently dating." Chad tells my mom.

"Mitzy is this true?" She asks me.

I nod saying yes.

"But Mitzy hun." My mom starts to say.

"But nothing. You guys want me to be happy and I'm happy with Nash. Accept it or not we will still be together." I tell her.

"Look I'm just trying to be a good father-." Chad says but I interrupt.

"I know, I never said you weren't. You try way too hard at times." I tell him.

"And if you guys aren't going to accept us, then bye." I add.

"Mitzy listen to me." Chad tells me.

"I am, but I just don't get why I have to agree with everything you say, but yet you can always disagree with us." I tell him.

He sighs. "Ok I love you, so why don't we just drop this to another day?" Chad tells us.

Nash and I and we all walk back into the living room.

"I knew that wasn't going to go well." Nash tells me.

"Well yeah, dad never agrees with us." I say.

"Lets go with Mahongany?" I ask him.

"Sure." He says and we start walking towards Mahogany.

"Hey whats up?" Nash asks Mahogany.

"Hey! Are you guys dating?" She asks us.

"Yup." I say.

"But our dad doesn't accept it." Nash adds.

"Ooh wait what.... You guys are related?" She asks raising up an eyebrow.

"I'll explain later." Nash tells her.

"Well that's going to be hard cause I doubt your dad is going to accept it Nash." Mahogany tells him.

He sighs and says "I know."


Hey guys!!!! I'm really sorry i haven't updated 😭😭 please forgive me. I've been so busy trying to get grades up so I could culminate and I did it!!!! #ClassOf2014 I culminated middle school and now ready to high school. I'm going to try to update as much as possible before Tuesday, because I might leave to Mexico and I wont really be able to update over there. Sorry for the sucky chapter 😒 Lol Well I culminated on thursday, and I told my crush I like him and omfg his reaction was so cute.

Well I'm going to go update for my other book then I'll be back over here.

Thanks for all the reads and votes you guys are amazing 💞

Love you all!

~Crazy Mofo~

Complicated Love 2 Nash/Hayes Grier/Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now