Some sport pics

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Hi❤how are you? Hope you're doing good!💓💓💓



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-GOLF 1.-   OMG Sassines alert!!! Look at Paul😂😂😂Wtf his legs,  how is he standing!? And it looks like John and Ringsy are also wondering what is Paul doing😂



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-GOLF 2.-   Look at Ringo he took some of Paul's sassines it seems to me.😂And Geo is calm down savage man who don't really care what's happening (he's probably thinking of some food) like always.😂😂❤❤


Uhh this chapter turns out to be all Sassy as hell!😂 I think tho that Paul is like really hot here!💕💕

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Uhh this chapter turns out to be all Sassy as hell!😂 I think tho that Paul is like really hot here!💕💕


I know that this isn't really a sport, or is it?? I don't know

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I know that this isn't really a sport, or is it?? I don't know. Anyway I think it's pretty cool pic. With Elvis in the backround tho😂❤😍
But this is a painting right? Or ia it a photography?
I'm blind i think😂😂

Tho I'm really blind. I'm wearing really strong diopters tho they're like 5 and 5,30😩😩😒

So that's all fot this chapter. Hope you're enjoying this wonderfull Christmas time!!❤🎄⛄❄❤🎄⛄


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