Hey Taiga.

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"Hey, Taiga!"

"What's up, Taiga?"

"Yo, Tai!"



Kagami Taiga. Taiga Kagami. No matter how you mixed up his name, you know exactly who it was. No matter how you called him, he knows it's you. But then why does he always runaway? It's just like back in America. Why does he run? It's not that you're that scary. That's the only thing that you couldn't do.

The only thing that is, the fact that you're both afraid to confess like most girls. But you remember when another friend from America introduced to Taiga to you. And three days from that you confessed and Taiga ended up running without saying a word.

It's been two weeks since you tried to reconnect with him and failed, but your refused to give up. He was your first love and there's no way you will not be satisfied with a scared look and a mile run as an answer. Ever since he got here, you'll been trying to be nice. Invited him to lunch, walk him home, see his basketball practices and games.

This ends now. No more running from me Taiga Kagami! You thought, I will not tolerate this no longer! If I have to be the tiger that pounces on you, so be it.

"(Name)-chan, is there a reason why are you hiding behind the classroom door?" Anaka asked. You two were in a classroom while everyone was having lunch at their desks. You were peaking your head into a window while the rest of your body was behind the door.

Spying on Kagami, who was heading to his classroom which was a floor below yours. As soon as he hit the stairs, you started to make your move. You even heard your fellow students talking your weird behavior.

"What's with (Name)-senpai?" A girl asked.

"I think she's after the guy from America. I feel bad for him." Another whispers, "she is as dominant as she can be."

"You think she'll be successful? I mean, she's been doing this for two weeks straight now." A guy's voice sighed, "if he has a girlfriend, (Name)-senpai will kill her."

You slithered to the stairs, watching your prey's every move. Anaka, walking behind you becuase somebody has to keep an eye on you. Especially knowing you for a long time. Otherwise, you would get in trouble big time.

Kagami made his way to his classroom as you stopped at the door. Peaked at the window and saw him sat down, eating lunch like the rest of his classmates.

"Why can't you leave him alone and let him come to you when he's ready?" Anaka suggested. You rolled your eyes without taking your eyes off of Kagami.

"Girl, bump that. If he's not coming to me, I'll come to him. And besides, everybody knows me and will not even go near who I'm after." You said.

Two girls started to approach him. Both were holding hands and giggling as they got closer. Your aura grew darker and stronger to the point where they felt it and saw you peaking out the door window. They smiled pleasantly only to hide the fear they felt and back away. You cooled down and went back to normal.

The male classmates noticed you and started to talk about you. Everyone in the school knows about you and how you operate. Even the teachers are kinda afraid of you.

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