Off and On

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Your  P. O. V
"I'm telling you Todomo. Everytime I try to talk to him, he avoids me." You whined, "I'm just trying to make ends meet but he just runs away." You threw yourself on your bed as soon  as you got home.

"Well maybe you should give him some space. Dos he have a girlfriend? Someone else in mind? Anything in that nature?" Todomo guessed, "these things can make a man kinda move away from an ex or something like that. What about a bad even back in America?"

"There were no bad events. None that I can think of. We were very close but then he started to push me away, not caring about my feelings." Your voice lowered as you're remembering that time. Kagami was almost like someome you looked up to. And now you can't just let it be this way.

"Then just give it up. Find someome else. Hey, it's been a while since you talked about that Hanamiya guy. Why not bother him? You still have his number right?" Todomo suggested.

"I don't want Hanamiya! Kagami and I had too much to lose! I cannot afford to lose him because of some girl! I just won't lose him!" You hung up the phone and buried your face into the pillow. Soon Kagami will finally understand your pain and come around. Right? It's only been a while since he came to the school.

Just give him some time to let himself situiated and comfortable. But you almost had him. You almost got him to tell you what you wanted, but then Kiyoshi interrupted and allowed Kagami to escape.

Your phone buzzed to a notification. It was probably Todomo trying to get back in touch with you. But it wasn't. It was Tatsuya, also from America. He too knows about your little crush for Kagami. He calls your phone as you quickly grabbed it to answer

"Tatsuya? Is that really you?" You asked.

"(Name)! Long time no see. I haven't heard from you in a while. How have you been?" Tatsuya greeted as you could feel his smile looking at you. He was also that friend that you could talk to.

"I'm pretty good. How did you get my number?"

"Heh, that's good. Taiga texted me and told me that you and him are now in the same school. How's that been?" You immediately got concerned with the fact that Tatsuya dodged the question and acted like it was never asked.

Taiga wouldn't know about your number because he never texted you when you gave it too him. Well, you kinda drew it on the bottom of his sneaker when he wasn't look. He was sleeping on the bleachers, but he should've know that you did it since you had to go through war to get his foot. And you don't remember giving your number to Tatsuya. You shrugged your shoulders and moved on with the conversation.

"Taiga has been distant from me. He's been avoiding me and I'm not sure why." You explained, "I've tried to get his attention but he never gives me the time of day. Even when he's not doing anything."

"Sounds like he's just not interested in you. I mean, he has been fighting you for a while now. Why won't you let it go?" Tatsuya advised, "say, there is a game between Yosen and Seirin, why don't you say that we could hang out together? Just the two of us?"

You widened your eyes at how Tatsuya is being completely forward with you. He wants just the two of you guys to hang out? Like a date? But why? He's never asked you out like this back in America. Nah. He's just trying to cheer you up. There's no way this could be a date.

"That sounds great! Just the two of us?  What about Kagami?" You asked.

"What about Kagami? It'll just be the two of us (Name). I mean, why hangout with someone that doesn't want to hang out with you?" Himuro said.

"I guess you do have a point." You admitted.

"Great! I'll see you in a couple of days then? Until then, bye!" Himuro cheered as you hung up the phone. Without Kagami? It was bad enough that you put him to the side and left America behind but now you have to go through the pain of doing it again? While you're in the same school?

But for some reason, Himuro does seem energetic. Even when he was a little gloomy when you brought Kagami into the conversation. You shrugged your shoulders as you went to your kitchen and cooked your food.

Himuro was always pushy from the start. He really liked to push a "date" on you, especially without Kagami. Even more than that, he did make a move on you one time but you had to turn him down. But now this time, you agreed to hang with him. Wonder what exactly he has in mind.

When you look in the fridge, you received a text from Todomo.

Todomo: (Name)! Kagami is at a street basketball game! You have to get over here!

(Name): What?!

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