Chapter four: "where did he go?"

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[E D I T E D]
It was currently Wednesday and it was a couple of weeks ago almost a month that I realized that I had a crush on chase ya I saw him around and we did eventually finish our project but in silence and he didn't tease me in P.E I knew something was up so I gathered enough courage to talk to him

"hey" I said and I patted him on the shoulder

he turned around "what do you want shrimp?" He said I looked up at him which was pretty weird for me

"um can i talk to you in private?" I ask he turns around and dismissed his group of friends and with just one second there gone they act like his slaves I thought

He then turned back around to me and looks at me waiting to see what I was going to say "are you ok your not acting like your self lately?" I ask

he simply scoffs "why do you care?" He says I look at him

I'm kinda hurt by his remark "I-I was just asking dang I'm sorry if I offended you!" I said and I walked away hurt I felt like I could cry but I had to hold it in I couldn't show weakness around him


It was lunch time I was sitting by Maddison in the table we where talking about the homework Mrs.William had given us

"What dose she think I am a calculator I'm can't do this kinda of math!" She yells

"Shhhhhhh Madison your gonna get in trouble" says Oliver

Oliver was my guy friend we where pretty much good friends and we had a lot in common he was a goody two shoes

I laughed at the two we had a great friendship including Cynthia she was the life of the party at our table I was taking with the three of them when chase came towards our table

"Hey Oliver can I talk to you" he says

And just like a slave Oliver gets up and takes his stuff with him and walked away with out and single word I simply glare at chase

"Who dose he think he is to just take Oliver" I say

Maddison just simply shrugs her shoulders and Cynthia isn't even paying attention I was upset at him

my feelings for him however wouldn't go away I thought that with me hating him it would go away but instead they grew stronger

"Why do you have to do this to me chase!" I think to myself

Oliver then comes around and says to us

"Sorry guys but I'm gonna now be sitting with chase sorry"

I look at him in shock

"Oliver you know that your not his slave right is he like blackmailing your or something?" I ask

He looks at me like he wanted to do this he wanted to be "popular" I was very mad

"Whatever go.." I say he then walked away like if our friendship meant nothing to him


A few days when by and chase wasn't coming to school then a week went by nothing

It was the day that we had to present our project and chase wasn't here

"He ditched me!" I thought

He tardy bell rang and nothing the teacher then started to call the names to present the project

"Mrs.Alexa would you still like to present even though mr chase isn't here?" She ask

"Umm yes ma'am" I relied

I got up in front of the class and started

"The eclipse is a very special moon it only comes almost every couple of years and what it dose is that it covers the moon and it creates very strong rays it's so special that almost everyone wouldn't miss it for anything" I conclude

"Ha it kinda reminds me of chase" I think

"Thank you Mrs Alexa" she says interrupting my thoughts

I sit in my spot and I focus because all I can think about is chase "where did he go?"


I few months then went by chase was still not here but I didn't care I was with someone else it was Oliver I was with Oliver after chase left we realized that we liked Each other more than best friends

"Have you herd form chase" I ask

I don't know why but I couldn't get him out of my head he's like a virus that won't go away no matter the treatment it won't just go away...

A/N: thank you for reading this far

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