Finn: Okay Finneas, first of all, if you wanna be a wrestler like i am, i'll teach you my finisher, Coup de Grace
Finneas: Coup de Grace? Copa de Gracia? Is it Spanish or Italian
Finn: it's just a fancy name, first, you gotta jump in your opponent stomach in your feet
Finneas: that's cool, hey, you look tired, why don't you sleep a bit
Finn: hummm... you're right *falls asleep on da floor*
Finneas: NEVER TRUST A DEMON! *Coup de Grace to Finn*
Finn: *miss* ha! I know who you are you little kid
Finneas: ._. You're fast...
Finn: you Gotta Go Fast too, you have to make a reversal fast so that way the opponent's manuver fails
Finneas: hummm... and what if it's a Tombstone Piledriver
Finn: *breath* you're fucked up then
With The Shield and The New Shield
Dean Ambrose: girls...
Seth Rollins: today we're gonna teach you a very effective tag-finisher
Roman Reigns: The Triple Powerbomb
The New Shield: OMG!
Dean & Seth: First, you gotta grab your opponent and put it right next to Roman, in this case right next to Joelle
Roman Reigns: then, you yell "UUUUUUAAAAAHHHHHH"
Seth: Next you put your opponent in Joelle's shoulders i throw hit to the nat
Rallex: That's cool, but why does it has to be Joelle? Why can't we take turns
Dean: That's because Roman is the only one who can lean his back, 'cause Seth's and mine start to hurt when doing that
Rallex: hummm... that makes sense
Tasha: Mr. Roman, is that the only we'll learn
Seth: oh hell no sweety, there's a lot more to come
With the Anti-SAWFTS
Colin Cass: okay kids, this is a piece of cake, you need to spell SAWFT step by step and the kick your opponent
Nick: That's too easy dad
Daniel: Can't we learn a DDT or something?
Enzo: oh let me teach'ya Dan, it's very simple
After explaining 4 DDT's and one Tornado DDT
Nick: That, was... awesome
Daniel: When are we debuting?
Enzo: well... i heard that WWEK is gonna open soon, you guys will have storylines and fights with other superstars very soon
Colin Cass: and we got your first storyline via mail, you guys will have a feud with Finneas
Nick: Finneas? The demon we met yesterday?
Enzo: yes sir
End of the chapter
[A New Generation of Superstars]
FanficAfter 15 years, Bayley, Balor, Sasha Banks, Seth Rollins and more had retire from the World Wrestling Entertainment Nevertheless, a new whole Generation of kids... had join this awesome sport