The Daughter.

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This is Chapter 2. This is now the proper start to my story.
Shane's POV.
I woke up today in my new house. Well it's only my house for a little bit, my new girlfriend is moving in tonight so then it will be our house. It has been a month since i watched over the Plummer kids but now i see them everyday as I'm the drama teacher, wrestling coach and director of all school plays at the high school that Seth and Zoe go to. I also live next door to them so life is good. The Plummer kids are much more happy after everything that went down. Seth is more open about alot of things and Zoe is more responsible. The little ones were always ok.

Anyway i get ready and immediately go to work. I get to the school at 6:45 and i see my lovely girlfriend Claire arrive aswell. I walk up to her and kiss her cheek.
" Morning Claire." I say as she turns around and hugs me. I smile and hug her in return
" Morning Shane. Ready for work?" She asks me as we both break the hug and walk into the school
"As always but can i talk to you about something?" I ask feeling slightly nervous. We walk into the school and down to her office the whole time Claire was giving me skeptical sideglances. This is more nerve wracking then most of my old missions. We arrive at her office and sit down.
" Sure you can. What's wrong Shane?" she says sweetly looking at me with concern.
"I know your moving into my house with me tonight but i was on the phone to one of my old commanders who happens to also be the headmaster at a military school my daughter goes to and i was wondering if she can move in with us?" I asked her. Her face immediately brightened up as she walked round her desk and hugged me.
" Of course she can Shane. Why didn't you tell me you had a daughter?" She asked happily. I let go of the breath i was holding and sighed.
"Thank god you agreed. Well i thought i would only be here a short while so i thought no need to say my entire backstory so she never came up." I answered. Claire nodded at me before smiling again
"Well i can't wait to meet her. When she coming?" Claire asked me. I smiled at her. I can't believe i am so lucky to have this caring women as my girlfriend.
"I need to call the headmaster and confirm it all with him but after that should be by the end of the week." I said looking at her.
" We'll talk more about it later because you need to get to your class room and i have things to sort out." Claire said smiling before kissing my cheek
"Ok. I'll see you later love you bye." i said before leaving hearing a faint i love you too coming from Claire. I arrive at my class and get ready for the day.

**Time Skip to Lunch**

I'm watching the students outside and i see Seth alone under a tree and i take pity on him, not many people have gotten to know Seth they don't know alot about him before they judge him. I look over the other way and see Zoe with the cheerleading squad. I wasn't the least surprised by that when i found out. As I'm looking round i spot Lulu eating with her friends she waves at me and i wave back. After doing my rounds and checking on students i head inside for 5th and 6th period.

**Time Skip to 6th period**

My 6th period class walked in and i smiled once i noticed Seth walk in with this class, smiling happily to himself and more once he look up at me. He use to have wrestling now but Claire got his classes changed and now he is part of my drama class. Every one entered the class on the stage and took their shoes of and put them in the corner of the room with their bags before all getting a chair and joining me in the circle.
"Hello class, So today we are going to be working on group projects." i said and everyone started whispering happily.
" Listen now and talk later people. Anyway i will put you in groups and you will pick a scene from the hat. You and your group must do this scene but must add a plot twist. " i explained before getting the list of my desk but before i could read any of the groups someone put their hand up. I looked over and noticed it was Seth.
"Yes Seth? What's your question?" I asked him while leaning against my desk.
"Sir, what are the rumours about a school production all about?" Seth asked me. It was weird him calling me sir obvioualy outside of school he calls me Shane.
" Ah the school production as you all know im the new school director of school performances but after the singing showcase which is in a 4 weeks time i believe auditions are next week we have the school production auditions obviously being in my drama class you'll find out the plot and roles before everyone else. All i can say for now it is a musical." After saying that i immediately saw Seths face light up. He loves musicals thats why he auditioned to star in 'The Sound of Music' at his outside drama club. I cleared my throat
"Anyway the groups are (Don't know any students apart from Seth so I'm making them up) Joe, Mary, Kate and Nathan in Group one in the back right corner. Becky, Seth and Henry in group two in center stage." I said Seth's group and i saw him give me a side glare. I leanered from Zoe that Seth likes a girl called Becky who is in his new drama class. She said it was only a petty crush but a crush all the same and people don't really talk to Seth so i know this group project will do him good in one way or another. I carried on giving groups. Seths group was the only one with three because if my daughter joins the school im putting her in his group. I know she likes to act, have done since she was small.
"Alright everyone you have this lesson and the rest of the weeks lessons to di this then next Wednesday's lesson we are showing them off so begin." I said then one person from each group took a slip of paper from the hat and began working.

Loving you is my crime.( Seth x OC )Where stories live. Discover now