•; 01 - jonah

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"i don't know why we need to break so hard."

This has gone on for far too long. I don't love Amber anymore. I used too, but then she started becoming severely emotionally abusive. I have to get away, it's not healthy.

Just then, my phone went off.

Oh no.

It was Amber, we had a date soon.

That's it, I can't take this anymore. I have to get out of this toxic relationship—I have to break up with Amber before she takes things a step further. Today's the day. It has to be.

I looked at the text:

"Hey babe! Don't forget we have that date in a little bit, I can't wait to see you my little human sunbeam!" - Amber

I physically cringed when I saw it—she doesn't love me, she's only using my popularity to benefit herself. Why did I ever think she loved me?

I should've listened to Andi when she tried to tell me it would just end up blowing up in my face. Andi. I can't believe I let Amber treat her like that. It was just a helpless crush, but whenever Amber senses someone getting a bit too close to me, she makes sure it never happens again. Then she goes back to faking her love for me. At first, I was oblivious to the fact, but then I started paying attention. The only reason I'm still in this relationship is because I can't find a way to tell Amber without her hurting me more than she already does. I'm trapped—but today's the day I escape. I have to, for my own good.

I looked in closet and pulled out of my signature outfits, dark jeans and a blue hooded jacket. I quickly got ready and rushed out to meet Amber at the Kissing Rock. (Pretty Little Liars anyone?) The whole walk there, I played the whole scenario in my head.

I just hope this all goes according to plan.

"Hey Jonah-bear!" I hear as I approach.

"H-hi," is all I can muster before I realize I need to tell her and get out of there, fast.

"Amber, we need to talk."

"Okay. You know you can tell me anything."

Right.. Anything but this..

"Look, I can't be doing this anymore. Our relationship is not helping my mental health at all. I think it's time.."

"You're kidding right?"

"I wish I was."

"You can't be serious? No, I won't accept this. After all I've done for you. Do you know how lucky you are to be dating me? I'm a part of you now!"

"Yeah, a part of me that I don't need anymore."

"You're making a huge mistake Jonah Beck! A huge mistake!"

"The way I see it, no, I'm not."

"This is all because of that girl! That Andi Mack girl isn't it? She put you up to this!"

"No it's not, this is about me and my mental health. This relationship isn't healthy."

I proceeded to walk off, leaving her alone.

However, there is more truth to that than she needs to know. I'm bisexual. And it's not because of a girl like she thinks. It's because of a boy—a boy named Cyrus Goodman...

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