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Everyone dance with a glimce of joy and happines.Finita stood up on the throne and said a long speech

"Dear people of Omanas,you are free from going to live in a stomach.It is time for a new change.From now on I'am your queen and from now on,you have to obey my orders"

Everyone was raising thier darkbrown hands and were slogan fot the queen.The queen sat down on her throne and picked the crown and putted the crown on her head.Everyone bowed(giving respect) towards and again started raising slogan for Finita

"I like thier culture"said my brother

"Me too"said I

"Why not we stay for a period"

"That's a very brilliant idea,but we must confirmed it by everyone"

I asked everyone about our plan and everyone uterred the same words

"We will surely stay".It was now confirmed by everyone and then we asked Finita about our plan and she was happy with our desicion


The very next morning,Finita asked us to meet her in her hut.When the sun was rising in the sky,me and my brother and seven ship crew went there.Finita stood up when we entered

"Why you have called us so early"

"I forgot to tell you about a problem which we are suffering from time when Olaka becomed a king"

"And what is it"

"We have a bunch of enemies"

"Who are they?"

"I don't know but they had great relationship with Olaka"

"Do you know anything more about your enemies?"

"Yes,I know a small information of one our enemies.He is pirate thief and had captured a large part of the sea"

This resemble with Laren Doe who was once my friend,but forwards becomed enemy


We went back to our hut and tried to think of a suggestion of defeating the enemies of Omanas.Meanwhile my brother was in the village,learning thier culture.I was in my hut thinking and thinking.Then an Omana person came running inside

"There are some people missing"


"I don't know.I just know that they had went for hunt,but they didn't returned.Some people went after them but when they returned,they said that the people are nowhere in the whole island"


I thought that they must have found about the water room and had hid themselves or they are trapped there.I called everyone to my hut to talk to them all.I told them that we have a second trip to water room and to find out that is it true that the missing people have went there.We took 5 ship crew and the captain with us to the water room.We jumped in the river and searched for the door.We found and opened it and went inside.We reached the end and came out of the water and stood in the room.We looked at every side of the room but there was noone except the corspe of the dead king Mulaka


"They must be abducted" thought myself

"I think they have been drowned in this river"

"We have searched the whole river but there was noone inside"

"Now there is only one thing left,abduction"

"We must go back and ask the people who had went behind them that is there any spot on the island which is remaining to be searched"

We went back to the village.Everyone was talking to each other about the missing people.I called everyone to stop their talk for a while and called the people who went to search

"Is there any spot remaining to be searched"I asked them

"Yes the Capcan hill"."So let's just go and search for the people there"

"No,no stop.That hill is haunted"

"What a lie"

"No,it is not.Many people got disappered there.Like the king Mulaka.He said a false story of a magic room.And just ran away on that hill.The Capcan hill is the home of cannibals which destroyed our kingdom.That is why we named it Capcan hill"

"We are not afraid,we will find them".I said this with a glimce of courage

We packed up and setted of for Capacan hill.We reached there at noon

We heard many noises and they were like there is a gang of thieves.We heard gun shot and suddenly a bullet hitted the arm of my brother.He imediately felled down on the floor and holded his hand by his other hand.The second captain didn't forgot to pack the first aid kit,in case of imergency.He carefully took out the bullet and and put a soft bandage around his arm.He told David(a ship crew) to stay with him until we came back

We went to the direction of bullet and came to a tribe.There were people with large guns in thier hand.There was man sitting between,he was defended by two guards (one on his left,other on right).We were shocked to see the man,we knew him he was Laren doe

He saw me and attacked me and others and they died.I was also killed

This story is based on the diary of Analied gred who is known as Peter Scotch in this novel and now this story ends.He never met his brother in his whole novel and now My second novel is going to start

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