We Meet Again(Jungkook one shot)

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Today was my day! The day where i can finally get married to my man. The flowers were all set up nicely. The decorators fixed the small details around the church. Guests arrived and filled the seats. The piano was playing a sweet tune welcoming the guests. Familes talked and took pictures. Me... well I was shaking in my dressing room looking down at a photo to two kids. Im sorry Kookie I guess our fate didn't work out. I remember the day we promised each other that we will one day get married if we see each other again. However, none of us ever met again and my heart changed for another man... my soon to be husband. Sigh...I hope you find yours too I smiled thinking back to the past.

"Y/N you will do great!" said May as she entered the dressing room, "Look at you dressed up in you beautiful long dress with perfect makeup designed by me."

"Tsk stop boasting," Y/N giggled.

As May went out to set up any last minute preparations, Y/N's stomach started to growl.

Great....what luck..why does my stomach do that now. -_-

All of a sudden a light bulb popped in her head.. "Sneaking outside won't be a bother right? Just grab a sanwhich and run back here."

Y/N sneaked out and went inside the cafeteria. Right there on the fancy plate beside the red silk tablecloth layed the fresh cooked eggs sandwhich. She licked her lips...yesssss!

As Y/N made a run for the sandwhiches, something stopped her. There she stood frozen in place head turned to the left side.

"HAHA A COUPLE KISSING IN MY WEDDING. HOW SWEE...." she smiled in her head but paussed as the guy who kissed the girl and Y/N made eye contact.

No no no this was not right. Her own soon to be husband stood there kissing May. Y/N slapped her face once hoping that she was still in her dressing room dreaming...nope. May turned around to see who the man was staring at. Right when she saw Y/N it was too late. Y/N already dashed out of the cafeteria and into the streets dragging along her white long dress.....

Y/N couldn't stop crying. Her makeup was ruined from the tears, dress ripped up from tripped over it again and again with her high heels, and hair untangled out from her neatly tied braids.

People around her didn't stop to help. Some took pictures, some stared at her with the odd face. Y/N ran to the park and sat on the swings.

"H-HOW WHY I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW COULD HE JUST KISS ANOTHER GIRL ON MY WEDDING DAY?! Y/N screamed in her head. Y/N didn't look up because she knew that it was a  huge embarrassment getting dumped on her wedding day.

The skies were just like people.. not helping.  The rain came and poured down. It didn't matter to Y/N since she knew she looked dreadful already. 

Suddenly, a man with an umbrella strolled over to the swings. "Pit Pat Pit Pat"

Y/N was too depressed to hear it.

"Excues me miss, may I please court you home. You break my heart crying like this," said the man. (Note this is fiction and your life is reality because if someone says this to you, no matter what situation you need to run. I repeat RUN Never go anywhere with a stranger)

"I'm fine..." Y/N said looking up. There stood the man, tall, gleaming brown eyes, perfect styled mushroom cut. Her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks turned red as she saw this man. He leaned down covering her with his umbrella from the rain. His smile was like no other smile she's ever seen.

"'I'm sorry, but who are you?" said Y/N as she chocked  on her words from crying too much.

"I'm Jungkook" the man smiled.


Im sorry my friends but jungkook didn't have a big part in this story hehe.... but I hope you like it. P.s sorry if you catch any grammar or spelling error XD.

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