Not What We Thought

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Previously on Daz Games x Reader
I heard scrambling which I guess was hin and big steps rushing to open the door. Then I saw....

His whole apartment smelt like really nice food!
"Hi Daz!" I say awkwardly
"Oh hello Y/N! Come in!" He said and moved out of the way for you to enter.

I walked in and saw all assize plates of different types of food. Noodles, Pizza, Curry, Burgers. Any food you can think of was there!

"What exactly are you doing here?" I asked Daz and looked at him confused.
"Well, I have nothing better to do with my time and eat some food by myself!" He said and laughed a little.
I didn't really get what was funny but I laughed with it anyway.
"Take a seat!" Daz said to me and I sat down on the couch.
Slience hung in the air for a couple of minutes. Deciding enough was enough I decided to speak up.

"So you excited for tom-" and I was cut off by a loud phone ringing.
"You need to go now, bye!" Daz said to be and pushed me out of the door and slammed it in my face.
What on earth just happened?

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