She was once innocent,
She was once pure.
Then reality came and hit her like a bitch,
Then soon enough she found a cure.
As time went on, she became strong,
Strong with every punch.
So strong that when she hits you,
She'll mak...
Sorry to everyone who has been waiting patiently for me to update!!! Secondary school life is hard especially if it your second to last year before you leave so you get more homework and exams. ..........BUT!!!!!!!
I'm on my Christmas break!!!! So that means some updates will be coming soon so stay tuned cupcakes. Peace out yo!
~XxCakeEaterxX 🍰🍰
P.S. here is something good for you guys to look at....😜😜😜😏😂
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If you guys wanna know who that is....his name is Zabdiel from CNCO!! Isn't he gorgeous?😍❤️