Not Just In Your Dreams Anymore

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A/N:  Hey guys!  (:  This is a one shot where I got the idea from just having a cold.  Plus, the blue penguin is actually one that I just got recently.  Isn't he adorable?  c:  He literally feels like a squishy marshmallow, which I love.  I hope you enjoy this first one shot of mine I came up with.  Please remember to vote, comment, and follow.  Thanks!  (: 

You were exhausted out of your mind, mostly because you were on one of the worst days of your cold. You didn't want to let Ms. O down though by missing. You were one of her best agents, and she was counting on you to save that major case for that day. You hurriedly tried to finish up, but it took hours before the solution hit you, mainly because of how drowsy you were. You hadn't realized how late in the day it had gotten, and somehow you had managed to miss lunch. You attempted to stumble to your feet as everything appeared to be in a hazy blur, you starting to wonder if maybe you did have a fever after all. You were just about to sway and hit the wall hard when a pair of arms caught you.

"Whoa, are you okay Y/N?"

You could feel the blush already rising to your cheeks when you slowly turned your head and your (Y/E/C) eyes were met with a charming blue.

"Y-yeah, just fine," you stuttered a bit.

Soon you were back on your feet, but the agent that had just helped you, Otis, was still looking at you full of concern.

"Don't you have a case to get to with Olympia, or something," you wondered, a pang going through your heart.

You were sure that he had a crush on his partner. I mean, they were constantly so in sync, and you still couldn't believe their secret handshake had been an accident.

"Not right now. Olympia's getting one of her gadgets fixed in the lab with Oona," Otis informed you properly.

He was always so serious and stiff, and right now was no exception. Although his arms folded behind his back seemed to loosen, as though he expected you to start falling again. You already were though, for him, ever since day one.

"Oh okay. Well, I better be going now anyway," you said, but when you nearly tripped Otis was right there to help you.

"(Y/N), you're obviously not okay. Why don't I take you to the fort room so you can lay down," he offered.

"But don't you mean, the pillow room," you asked confusedly.

"The fort room's less busy," he promptly answered.

He actually kept his hand on your arm the whole time you travelled to the fort room, and once you got inside, you plopped against some pillows already in there. When you went to sneeze, Otis pulled out a tissue almost by magic. You looked as him in awe as you took it.

"Tissue-inator," he claimed, but you were sure that didn't exist... yet, at least.

"Thanks," you told him, blowing your nose before leaning back again.

"Have you eaten anything yet," he questioned.

"No," you responded, hating the sound of your voice with this stuffed up nose.

"Chicken soup-inator," he spoke, pulling out a long, white gadget that seemed to have a blue bowl on the end of it.

Soon he was giving you piping hot chicken soup, and a spoon that he randomly had with him. You gratefully sipped on the broth, and then attempted to lie down halfway as Otis sat next to you.

"You should get some rest. I'll cover for you with Ms. O," he told you.

You found the strength to weakly smile, not having a chance to actually speak when Otis spoke up again. His forwardness was unusual with him, and normally he was much more mysterious.

"I can tell you haven't got much sleep lately. Ms. O must be really working you hard on those cases. Go to sleep, please," he pleaded gently.

He had been right, since you were aware that there were bags underneath your eyes that morning, from all of the hard work you had had to accomplish.  You were about to close your eyes, when you caught a glimpse of Otis holding a stuffed, soft, fat blue penguin with a white stomach and smiling eyes with a little, triangle, yellow nose.

"What's that," you asked, and his entire face went scarlet. 

It was a shock for you, since you had never seen Otis blush that much before.

"I, uh, well, I, uh, thought you might like it...," he trailed off horribly, awkwardly handing it to you.

Even though your smile was small and you seemed calm, you were mentally screaming and dancing around that room, while hugging that penguin in your arms.

"I love it," you reacted.

"It was, uh, mine... But I thought it might be nice to keep you company," he stammered out.

You merely stared at him, as you still had about a thousand questions running through your head about where this vulnerable side of Otis was coming from.

"Let's face it. I've liked you for a long time, (Y/N), a lot. And even though I never say much to you. For some reason you make me want to ramble on for forever. Will you go out to lunch with me sometime," he asked, his whole face still ablaze.

"You mean for like a Shumumber burger? Hold the ketchup, hold the burger, just the bun," you asked, a knowing smile appearing on your face with no warning.

"You know me so well," he almost cried, and that's when you knew Otis really did like you.

The only person he had ever said that to was Olympia, and they were the perfect partners. Hopefully you would end up being the perfect couple though, not just in your dreams anymore.

Otis x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now