This Memory

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You were going back to check on your very own special place in headquarters. You were always grateful that Ms. O had given you your own closet space, just as she had for Orchid and her dinosaurs. Once you got there though, you skidded to stop from your fast walking, seeing the door wide open, and Ohlm half way in there as he was bent over. 

"Ohlm! What are you doing," you exclaimed, bounding forward as you looked inside the closet as soon as you could. 

It was a complete mess, and you felt like screaming as years of organizing your rocks and collecting them had gone down the drain. 

"I thought this was the rock room," Ohlm said bluntly, yet complete innocence was written across his features. 

"No! It's my special rock collection! You've ruined it," you yelled. 

Ohlm took a couple of steps back as his face crumpled slightly, since he did have feelings, despite being so oblivious to most things. Your shoulders slouched as you felt slightly bad that he appeared so hurt, yet you were still on the edge of your worst anger. 

"Just leave me alone, Ohlm. I'm sorry. Now's not a good time for you to be around me," you admitted, the waves of sadness beginning to attack sooner than you had expected. 

Ohlm nodded his head as he continued looking at you. 

"The real rock room is that way," you told him softly, pointing in the right direction. 

Ohlm shot you a weak, appreciative smile before he slowly walked backwards, and then turned around after his back ran into the far wall down the hallway. You sighed as you began scooping up the various stones, all of the beautiful shades shining brightly at you, whether they were a pastel pink or golden yellow. 

"Hey, (Y/N), what happened," asked a soft voice. 

You reluctantly looked up from where you were crouched onto the floor, seeing none other than agent Otis above you. You sniffled a couple of times from the depressing emotions that had nearly made you cry. 

"Nothing. It's not important," you claimed, turning away as you felt that it was foolish for you to get upset like you had. 

"What is this space," inquired Otis, not sure what to call the closet with the now empty, low shelves. 

"It was just a closet Ms. O gave me for my rock collection," you answered plainly. 

"Why are the rocks scattered everywhere," wondered Otis. 

You sighed as you closed your eyes for a moment, standing up to properly face him, although his beautiful blue eyes always made you nervous. 

"Ohlm thought it was the rock room, and messed them up," you confided quietly, concentrating more on the floor below off to the side. 

You then bit your bottom lip before adding, "And I had them all in a certain order. I've been collecting them for years, and this was my way of remembering when I got each one. They all have a special memory." 

Otis nodded his head, seeming to take in every word you said carefully. You picked up the bright, robin egg blue one, smiling softly at the nostalgia that swept over you. 

"I got this one the first day that I joined the squad. It was part of an odd case where it was singing, but once Oscar fixed it he let me have it," you explained. 

Your smile drooped as you thought of how much things had changed, especially since Oona was now the head of the science department in this Odd Squad headquarters. 

"Hey, at least you can fix this," Otis observed, you looking at him quizzically. 

"What do you mean," you inquired, tilting your head to the side slightly. 

"Oona just created a gadget called the memor-inator.  It puts things exactly back they way they were from memories," he shared. 

Your heart skipped a beat as hope soared through your body once again. 

"When I order a hamburger, and they forget to take out the burger, then grease gets on the bun. The bread never tastes the same again," he stated disappointedly. 

You tried to hold back a smile at how thinking about that made you want to laugh a little, partly because you loved his strange food orders, but also because he had made you feel better. 

"So... are we going to go get the gadget," you questioned after he hadn't spoken for awhile. 

"I have it with me," he admitted, pulling out the big white square gadget with a black square in the middle, which resembled a blank Polaroid photo. 

He didn't hesitate to zap the rocks, not only on the floor, but also the scattered ones on the shelves. Soon they were all back where they belonged, and even the descriptions were in the correct order. 

"Thanks, Otis," you told him gratefully, a smile attacking your face. 

"No problem," he curtly responded, stowing the gadget magically back into his suit jacket. 

"Now, why don't we get a pizza for me, and a burger for you? You can have the "little table" from the middle of the pizza, and your perfect bread. I'll make sure they get your order right," you reassured him with a tiny, giddy smile. 

"Sounds like the perfect lunch," he commented. 

"Thank goodness it's not really though," you pointed out, recalling the bird people and how their meal during their visit had to be perfect, or otherwise it would wreck the world. 

Otis shuddered with his arms wrapped behind his back, closing this eyes for a moment, since he knew exactly what you were talking about. 

"I better call Delivery Debbie for that pizza, and then Shmumber's for the burger," you noted. 

"Allow me," he interjected, pulling out his badge phone. 

"But I promised I would make sure they got your order right," you pressed. 

"And I promised to help you get your memories back. I've got this," he reassured you. 

As he pressed his phone up to his ear and looked off into the distance before starting to talk, you couldn't help but think you would never need a note to remember this memory.  

A/N: I hope you enjoyed. (: Please remember to comment, vote, and follow. Thanks! <3

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