Chapter Seven

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Brennen's POV

         As Colby takes Naomi inside to dance, I couldnt help but feel a little jealous. He gets to dance with her and I'm here with Corinna. "Aw Brennennn, why don't you take me to dance?" "I don't know just not in the mood right now" I relpy kind of coldly. "Fine Brennen" she says annoyed then heads inside. Shit all she did earlier was complain to me when we were talking. First she whispers in my ear asking if I "fucked Naomi," so I took her to a empty room to talk in private. Then she bitched me out saying "What are we doing Brennen?" Like damn I thought we had an understanding! She was spazzing out for nothing I'm not her man, and me and Naomi are just friends. What happened earlier was a one-time thing. Wasn't it? Then why am I jealous that she's with Colby right now? "Stop it Brennen!" I mentally scream at myself. Fuck I slam my beer and another, then proceeded inside to find Corinna. I need to get Naomi off my mind.

Naomi's POV

         As the party was starting to die down. I was exhausted, Kobe kept my mind off everything by keeping me busy dancing. I took some pics of him and Brennan have some at Brandon's brother. As I was looking for Brennan so we can Uber home cuz it was like 3 a.m. he was nowhere to be found. Jake saw me as he was leaving with some girl and said that Brennen and Corinna left together. I said okay then went to tell Colby good night.

          I found Kobe in in the kitchen cleaning. "Hey Colby, I'm gonna get outta here" I say. "Oh so you found Brennen?" he aked. "Uh-no Jake just told me that he left with Corinna" i shrugged. "Ok well I'm going to give you a ride home then" he smiled. "HEY Colby you ain't getting out of helping us clean!" Sam shouted from the other room. That made me laugh, "Oh so you think that was funny huh?" He said with a big grin. "Well kinda" I say trying to stop giggling. He stuck his tongue out at me. "I'm going to help them real fast then I'll take you, ok?" he said.

          "You don't have to Colby really..." I say. "I'm not taking no for an answer got it" he insisted. "Ugh" I pouted "Okay I guess" I say as I roll my eyes then laugh. He laughs too, then quickly gets back to cleaning.

Later on

         I said bye to anyone who was still awake, and followed Kobe outside to his car. We got in his car and I gave him my address. He put it in his GPS and we took off. "You know you live really close to both Brennen and Corinna" he says. "Well I knew Corinna lived close by, but not Brennen" I reply. "You got some good neighbors" he said raising his eyebrows. I giggle "Yeah if you say so."

         We pulled into my buildings parking garage. We park and he walks me in. When we get to my door "welp this is my place." "Can I come in to use your bathroom?" he asked. "Of course" I open the door and we walk in. I appoint him to the bathroom "its the second door on your right." I take my shoes off and I had to my room. I change quickly and head back out to the living room. Colby was already there looking around "Nice place you got here." "Thanks my parents wanted me to be comfortable." I say rubbing my arm "their just really over protective."

          He smiles "Well I should get going." "Oh, right it's almost 5 a.m." I say. He suddenly lets out a big yawn. "Colby are you sure you can drive? You look super tired." I say observing him. Next thing I know he starts yawning uncontrollably. "I'll be f-fine" he says between yawns.

         "That's it Colby" I grab his arm and pull him to a guest room. "You're staying here to get some rest!" I demand. "But Naomi really I'll be" he lets out the biggest yawn "okay you win." He finally realized he was way more tired then he thought. "Exactly there's no arguing with me, 1 cause I'm a woman and 2 I'm hispanic. So your not going to win" I say proudly.

          He laughs a little "no wonder your so beautiful." Wow did he just say I'm beautiful, play it cool Naomi. "Ha your funny." I open the bedroom door before he can say anything. "Okay Colby this is you." He nods and walks in the room. Sitting on the bed he takes off his shoes and then looks back up at me. He says "goodnight"  and lays down. "You mean good morning" I say closing the door then walk down the hall to my room. As soon as my head hits the pillow I knock out.

Colby's POV

         When I wake up I look around and don't recognize where I am. I grabbed my phone to check the time "jesus its 12:45pm." I get out of bed and open the door. Looking around to see where I am at. Then it all comes back up me, thats right I'm at Naomi's place. Most of the doors are open in the hallway. The door the end of the hallway the only door closed, I knock but no answer. Then I hear singing, so I knocked again.

          "Um Naomi" I say when the singing stops. "Y-yes." She stutters out. "Can I come in?" "Yeah just give me a sec." she replies. I can hear some shuffling. "Okay come in." I open the door and she was sitting on the floor in front of a huge mirror. She was doing her makeup. "Good afternoon" I say as i walk in and sit on her bed. She lets out a soft chuckle "Good afternoon." She smiles and looks at me "so do you have any plans today?" "Um none that I can think of" I say, "why what's up?" "Let's do something. I haven't gotten to see much off LA yet and I've really been wanting to." she says. "Okay but I have to go home to shower and change." She agreed.

Naomi's POV

        Colby went home to shower and get ready. He told me he'd text me when he was ready. Since I told him I'd pick him up. I had already finished my makeup. Hmmm what to do while I wait? I walk into the kicthen, oh I know I'll make me a smoothie. On that note I need to find a good gym close to my place. Sitting in my living room enjoying my drink, scrolling through Instagram. When Colby text me...

Colby: Hey Nomes
            I'm almost ready if you want to
            start heading this way.

Naomi: Nomes..? Ok I'll start heading
              out the door now.

Colby: Yea I wanted to give you a
            nickname. Do you like it?
            I mean I can always come up
            with something else.

Naomi: No it's cute I like it.

Colby: Ok then Nomes, see you soon.

Time skip

I pull up to the mansion and text Colby. 

Naomi: Hey Colbs I'm outside.

Colby: Ok here I come.

I see Colby walk out the gate with the look of amazement. I unlock the doors so he can get in. "You own a Tesla" he says obviously shocked. "Yeah" I giggle at him "remember my over protective parents." We both laugh, "So what are we doinf Colbs?" "Oh so I see you've come up with a nickname for me too." I can feel my face turn red "yup I sure did but off subject. Tell me where I'm driving to." "Okay well let's go to the Boardwalk and then maybe walk around Hollywood Blvd for a little tonight... Sound good?" Wow he really came up with some fun stuff. "Heck yeah that sounds great!"

          We get to the parking lot for the Boardwalk, after parking we had to the amusement parkvto grab a bite to eat. We both grab something quick and find somewhere to sit down. "So why'd you come to LA?" He asked then proceeded to put a french fry in his mouth. I finished chewing what was in my mouth then answered. "Well I was able to get a scholarship to UCLA." His eyes widen "oh snap someones a genius." I laugh at hos comment "you know it. How bout you Colbs are you from LA or did you move here?" "Came here from Kansas, with Sam. We came out here to follow our dreams." Wow I admire that a lot they took a leap of faith and followed their dreams.

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