Chapter 2: Same Old Routine

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Brynn couldn't sleep a wink. She had been tossing and turning all night in fear that she would have the same reoccurring nightmare. No matter what she tried, she couldn't get her coma dream out of her mind. It was always there, taunting her.

She had been home for a month and not much had happened, since she refused to leave the house to do anything. Adam was always the one out for groceries or to pick the kids up from preschool and to drop them off. Brynn was too paranoid to step foot out of the house. She had only even been in the backyard once since her return.


Adam stirred awake around 8:30 A.M. and looked to his left. There Brynn was, just staring at the ceiling like every other morning. If Adam didn't get her help soon, she might end up in a hospital for such severe sleep deprivation.

Adam rolled onto his side and kissed his wife's cheek. Just like every other morning, she didn't have any reaction in the slightest. She just laid there, staring at the white above her head. It would last a good hour before Adam could shake her out of it. He was scared the habit would never break.

Adam tossed the bed sheets aside and stood up from his bed. He may not be that much of help as a husband, as of right now, but he did have a responsibility as a dad. He had preschoolers and a four month old to look after. He was on daddy duty twenty-four seven.

He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and made his way to Skylar's room. He switched on her light and shook her awake. "Hey baby girl. It's time to wake up for school. Get your teeth brushed before breakfast, please," Adam said before he crossed the hallway to Bentley's room.

They had the same routine every morning for the past two months. Adam woke the kids up, made them breakfast, sent them on their way, and tried to keep busy with Paisley.

He did the same with Bentley before making his way to his new baby girl's room. He turned on her light and walked over to her crib. Awaiting him was a smiling Paisley, who was waving her hands around in the air.

Adam chuckled at the sight and picked his little girl up. "Hey, princess! Daddy's so proud that you didn't wake up at all last night," He said before he kissed her head and looked into her hazel eyes.

"You look just like your mommy, princess. Let's just hope you don't become like her," Adam said before he walked out of her room and walked down the staircase that led directly into the kitchen.

He made up a bottle for Paisley and started feeding her. Before Paisley arrived, he didn't imagine himself doing all these things for the kids. He thought she'd be the one cooking them breakfast, taking them to school, and getting them to all their activities. But, there was no way Brynn was going to do any of that now. She was too scared of her dream coming true to live in reality; therefore, Adam was left to do everything.


"Daddy, I'm all done with my Cheerios," Skylar said as she pushed her bowl away on the table and drank from her sippy cup.

"Skylar, you know what we do with our bowls and spoons when we're done eating. Today is no different than any other," Adam said as he pushed the bowl back towards his daughter. Skylar took her bowl, along with her spoon, and placed them in the sink before running to the family room to play with Bentley, who had finished a few minutes before her.

"You guys have ten minutes to play and then we have to get you ready for school. Neither of you have anything after school today, so maybe daddy will take you out for a treat after I pick you up," Adam said as he continued to feed Paisley.

"What kind of treat, daddy?" Skylar asked as she continued to dress her Barbie.

"Maybe I'll get you guys some ice cream," Adam said as he placed Paisley's bottle in the sink and started burping her.

"Will mommy be going with us, daddy? She hasn't spent much time with me and Skylar. We miss her," Bentley said as he lined up all his little cars.

"I um.. I don't know if your mom will be joining us, guys. You know your mom is going through a rough time, and all we can do is be there for her. She'll come around soon. I promise," Adam said as he laid Paisley in her baby swing and hopped down next to the kids.

"I miss her, daddy. She used to do everything with us. All my friends talk about what their mommies do with them, and all I do is sit there. My mom doesn't do anything with me. She doesn't do anything at all. I want someone to fix her," Skylar said as she laid her head on Adam's lap.

It broke Adam's heart to know how sad his daughter was about the situation. He could try his best, but he could never take the place of their mom.

"I'm trying to help her princess; I really am. I love your mom more than anything, and I want her to get better. It's going to take a bit more time. I promise she'll get better. All we can do is wait," Adam said before he kissed his daughter's head and picked her up.

"C'mon Bentley. Let's get you guys ready for school," Adam said as he walked upstairs with them and set Skylar down.

"You guys get ready for school. I'll be out in a few minutes," Adam said before he disappeared behind the closed doors of the master bedroom.

He looked over at his wife and couldn't help but tear up. The woman he knew was gone. She was overcome by the fear of her own existence. She refused to leave their house in fear of something remotely similar to her dream happening. It was taking a big toll on not only his life, but also his children's.

Adam walked over to his side of the bed
and sat down. He looked down at Brynn and kissed her head.

"Baby, please talk to me. The kids have been asking to go out and spend time with you. Skylar wants to spend time with her mom. They feel like they've lost their mom, Brynn. And I feel like I've lost my wife. We want you back, babe. You can't fear the world anymore. Things happen for a reason. Your dream was just telling you to be careful with the choices you make. That doesn't mean to stop going out in the world. You have to live a little, or you will rot away to nothing in this house. Please, Brynn, talk to them or spend time with them. Do something to show them you still care about them," Adam said as he pulled her close and looked into her eyes.

He watched the tears well up in her eyes before they spilled over her cheeks.

"Do you know how hard it is to come back from that, Adam? I tried to kill myself in that goddamn dream. I am thirty years old and should not be wanting to end my life. I love you and my children. I can't help but fear the world after what my brain imagined. I do want to go out and spend time with them; God knows I do. But, I've been trying to get out of my fear. Believe me when I say I want to go out with them. I love my kids and you, but please give me a bit more time," Brynn said as she looked into his eyes.

"I will give you all the time you need, princess. I'm always here for you. The kids just wanted to make sure their mom still loved them and wanted to be with them," Adam said as he lightly kissed her head and pulled her close.

"I love them so much, and I do want to spend time with them. I will make my best effort to play with them in the house, but I'm just not ready to go outside into the world. I hope both you, and the kids can respect my decision," Brynn said.

"We respect your decision one hundred percent. We just want you to get better. And when that time comes, we will have our same old routine back."

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