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Disclaimer: Yuri on ice never did nor will it ever belong to me. If it did, otabek would have at least kissed yuri once, and we'd probably have an official viktuuri wedding episode.

Maria sips her coffee in the early chilly September morning. She's waiting for the psychology professor in the class. Some students are still trickling in. Nobody of much interest though, her friend Anderson is waiting alongside her, not doing much but just being there, he tends to do that, a bit of a wallflower.

She checked her phone, five minutes till the professor comes in. Maria looks around, maybe the blonde a few seats back could be a good friend? She didn't think anything important or even mildly amusing would happen in the class...

Boy was she wrong, just as she was ready to give up on the Prof and get up to talk to the blonde, the most beautiful man she has ever seen walked through the door, she knew she was staring, she couldn't even bring herself to stop, and she didn't have to look to know that everyone else in the class was staring too.

The guy who came in looked like he had Asian heritage, his big brown doe eyes sparkling from behind the blue rimmed glasses, the messy hair which by all means should have looked ridiculous, but it is working for him. Maria isn't even batting for the liking guys team and even she knows that this guy is cute.

Cute Asian guy looks around and notices the empty seat next to maria on the other side of Anderson. He makes his way towards her.

"Um, excuse me, uh, can I seat here?" The guy asked nervously, aww such a sweet child,

"Yeah, sure, go ahead. Name's Maria by the way." She introduces herself
The Asian guy gives her a smile, and woah, someone wrap this cinnamon roll in a blanket and take care of him.

"I'm Yuuri, nice to meat you" 

She was about to say something else but the professor walked in and got cut off the class began

And because the professor is an a grade a hole, he decided to give them a group project. ON THE FIRST DAY!!!!! Who does that?!?! They were supposed to be making groups of four.

She knew Anderson was on her team, she turned towards Yuuri,

"hey, you with me on this?" She asks. Yuuri nods and agrees. And one more person to go.

In the end their group consisted of Maria, Anderson, Yuuri and Clara formerly known as the blonde girl. They worked on it with whatever time they had on hand after the lecture and immediately decided that they had to meet up later if they ever wanted to finish the work.

The work itself was nothing notable, just research and a paper, but the research meant grunt work, lots and lots of grunt work. They decided on the library to meet up after classes.

After the class ended, Maria fixed herself up before going to the library, not only did she want to make a good impression on her new friends, but  Clara really does look hot, and who knows? She might actually notice Maria after Yuuri. Because she had absolutely no illusion that anyone can be noticed first with Yuuri around.

It might have been a personal question, but Maria did ask Clara and was really happy when she learned Clara is actually bi. So here she is, going to the library hoping Clara doesn't have a crush on Yuuri already. Which might be a hard shot considering more than half the class was heart-eyeing Yuuri.

When she reaches the library, Yuuri is already there, Clara and Anderson aren't there yet, she sits across him on the table. Yuuri gives a polite smile,

"hey, getting started?" Maria whispered.

"No, I was waiting for everyone to get here actually."
It's quiet for a while and then Maria asks,

"Hey, Yuuri, what do you think about Clara?"

Yuuri tilts his head, "she seems nice..." Yuuri replies unsure of where maria was taking it.

"No, I mean do you think she's hot? I do, I mean, I think I kinda like her?" Maria stumbles along her words.

"And.... Does Clara like girls?" Yuuri asks, maria couldn't decide if he was curious or not.

"Well, she said she was bi...... You don't have a problem with me being a lesbian.." She was about to go on a rampage but Yuuri put up a hand to stop her.

"Woah, calm down, I have a husband." Maria's eyes widened at that.

"Oh my god you're married?!?!" She nearly yells.

Yuuri shushes her, "uh, yeah." He waves his right hand showing a very bright gold ring.

"That's on the wrong hand Yuuri." She says and Yuuri frowns then realisation crosses his face,

"Oh, no, it's in the right hand, in Russia, they wear wedding rings on the right hand and engagement rings on the left." He explained.

"Oh, man Yuuri, you just broke so many hearts...." Maria trailled off and Yuuri looked confused. But before he could ask anything about it, Clara and Anderson appeared and they began their group work.

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