Chapter Four

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You were driving with Jungkook in the passenger seat on the way home, both of you humming along to the music in the background.

"It's unfair how they treat you all." You sighed softly looking over at the bunny hybrid, his nose twitching slightly every so often. "I'm glad I got there when I did."

"Me too." He smiled softly. You nodded looking back at the road before a flash of orange and black darted in front of you and two staff from the pound followed. You slammed on the breaks making Jungkook yelp in fright.

"Stay right here." You spoke softly quickly pulling over from the middle of the road. He nodded watching you with frightened eyes. "I'll be back shortly." You hummed gently and slid out the car, locking the door behind you and you took off after the pound people.

You were pissed off at the fact they just nearly caused a car crash-

You ran into an alleyway where they had the tall male with his tail flicking behind him viciously, snarling and growling at them.

It didn't take too long to realise that they were chasing this hybrid.

"Miss, you need to leave." One of them spoke lowly, a hint of aggression in his voice. You raised an eyebrow.

"Why do I?" Your voice was cool, but inside you were screaming. In front of you was a tiger, and two angry looking males with weapons.

"Because it isn't safe, you're interrupting our work too." The other snarled. "Leave before we use force."

"He's mine." You spoke before your brain processed it. "I'll happily be taking him home."

The male against the wall snarled slightly at both men. You lowered your eyes towards the male, scared and aggressive against the wall to show that you meant no harm.

"You smell like Rabbit." He spat.

"That's your brother, Jungkook." Your voice was quiet. "Please come home with me." Your eyes darted up looking at the two pound people. He approached you, disregarding the two males with weapons and he sniffed up, licking his lips.

"Thank you for your help, but I don't need it!" He growled pushing you up against the wall. A whimper left your throat and the two men with weapons approached slowly. You closed your eyes turning your head from him, feeling the hot breath of the tiger hybrid against your neck.

His grip on your arm tightened as you heard louder footsteps.

"Can we join in with you three men? She looks positively delicious." Another male chuckled and went to walk over. You squeaked in fright when you were torn from the wall and you felt a back against your chest, a tail wrapping around you.

"If any of you three want to touch her, you will have to go through me." The tiger Hybrid spoke lowly. You opened your eyes and saw the body of the tiger hybrid holding you behind his back. "Miss, please return to your car. I'll be there shortly-"

"Namjoon, Mistress. Please leave. We'll handle this man." The two pound people spoke softly. You looked back and saw them draw weapons. Namjoon froze up seeing this and you wrapped your arms around his waist.

"They won't hurt you. Let's go back to my car and we can get you cleaned up when we get home." Your voice was soft and gentle as you reached up and gingerly ran your hand through his hair near the base of his ears. He let out a soft purr before nodding. He let you go gently, but your hand slipped into his as you lead him away from the alleyway and to your car.

As you both slipped into the car, Jungkook froze.

He was a natural prey anyway.

"Namjoon won't hurt you Jungkook." You spoke softly.

"You smell of him..." He pouted, Namjoon sat in the back scoffing.

"Fasten your seatbelts." You smiled and started the engine.

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now