Chapter Five

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It had been difficult at first, with four different breeds of hybrids living with you. More so since Cats and Dogs were natural enemies, rabbits were prey and now you had a big cat, (who was just really a softie).

You didn't want to, you wanted to treat them like humans, but you had to set some strict rules.

One of those being-

"Namjoon!" You yelled, startling the tiger who was slowly edging closer to Jungkook. "What have I told you? Jungkook is not food!"

"Sorry..." He blushed. "Sorry Jungkook."

"It's okay." Jungkook laughed nervously. You watched as Jimin basked in the sunlight seeping through the main window in the living room.

Jimin and Namjoon got on well enough, you thought it was just because they were just cats deep on the inside. So Namjoon, when he saw the kitten asleep in the sunlight, he walked over and laid with him, his tail flicking lazily.

Hoseok ran up to you, excitement filling his body.

"There's somebody coming up the path!" He yelled excitedly and started bouncing up and down on the spot.

"You're going to wake up the cats." You sniggered slightly and petted the top of his head which sometimes proved to be quite a stretch, more so when he was bouncing up and down. "I'll go see who it is when they knock."

As if on cue the doorbell rang, and you made your way towards the front door, upon opening it you saw two males stood there, looking down at the floor beneath their feet, hats upon their heads. This baffled you. Why would they wear hats in summer heat?"

"Is everything okay?" You spoke quietly, causing one of them to look up.

"I heard you're housing hybrids." He spoke softly. "I was wondering if you could do me a favour."

"It depends what it is."

"Please take him in." He gestured to the one still looking at the floor. "He's like a child to me and the pound nearly took us-"

"Of course, there's room for more." You smiled softly. You gently used the tips of your fingers to raise the others head. His eyes met yours and he smiled, a boxy smile on his lips.

"Thank you." The other spoke. "Behave for the nice lady okay Taehyung?"

"I will do, thank you Hyung!" He smiled as you stepped aside letting Taehyung into the house. The other turned around and headed back down your path. Before you could say anything Namjoon's voice filled your ears.

"Jin-Hyung?" The male walking down your path froze. "It's you!"

"Namjoon?" The male, presumably called Jin, turned and looked. "Oh thank god you're okay!"

"Of course I am, Y/N took me in without hesitation!" He grinned and you smiled at the fact he had finally warmed up to the idea.

"It was lovely to see you Namjoon, but I really must be going."

"Where do you think you're going?" He chuckled softly. You laughed gently and walked towards the male who was at the gate and you took his hand gently.

"I'm not splitting families up. I'm not like that. You're welcome to stay here too. You clearly know Namjoon and Taehyung."

"R-Really?" He stuttered, you nodded smiling.

"But I can sense three other hybrids in there, surely you don't have the room." He looked up at your house.

"You'd be surprised. Come on, let's get you both inside and introduce you to the family."

Dangerous Love // Hybrid!BTS AU - Hybrid!Yoongi x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now