Chapter 14

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Creighton isn't at breakfast the next morning, but she's in astronomy third hour. She's one of the last to arrive, and as soon as she walks in the whispers begin to spread.

"There she is."

"I heard she found Amber dead."

"I'm surprised she came to class."

Creighton ignores them all. She takes her seat next to Derek, never saying a word.

Atwater conducts class with a stern expression and a solemn tone. He lets us all know that the exam's been pushed back to next Monday, and that he'll devote Thursday and Friday to reviewing the material. He's clearly trying to act normal, but he ends up failing miserably.

I've never been so glad to go to lunch. It's a silent affair with Derek, Creighton and me sitting at the same table but seeming miles away from one another. Derek can't seem to stop eating long enough to get in a word, while Creighton turns her gaze on my bottle of water like it can tell her the meaning of life. She looks as though she'd rather be anywhere besides sitting next to Derek, but she won't move to sit next to me.

That was Amber's seat, and I don't have to ask to know that neither of them can stand the thought of taking it.

I feel trapped, as though I'm caught in the middle of something and there's no escaping it.


Dinner starts off the same way lunch did. It's spaghetti night, and I can't help remembering my first afternoon here at the school. Derek had informed me that spaghetti is the best meal the school has to offer, and I have to admit that so far he's not lying.

I'm focused on eating when I first notice Lauren Perkins.

She's the shortest person in line, her strawberry-blonde hair held back by a pink headband. She's jumpy, looking over her shoulder every few seconds as though expecting someone to pounce on her.

When she looks in the direction of our table, I realize that her eyes are clear, completely rid of that weird, dazed look she always seems to have.

It's the first time I've seen her alone, without the supervision of Yumi or Marco.

She moves through line quickly, avoiding the spaghetti and only stepping away with a bottle of water. Looking around again, Lauren heads in our direction.

I notice that Marco and Yumi are nowhere to be found, and I'm surprised that Lauren would consider coming into contact with a group of Marco's enemies.

The nine-year-old steps up to our table, her head held high as though she's trying to hide her nerves.

"Hi." she speaks so quietly that only the members of our table can hear her.

"Hey," I acknowledge, giving her a puzzled look, "why are you over here? Where are Marco and Yumi?"

"They're not coming today," Lauren says, her green eyes meeting mine, "that's why I'm here. I need to talk to you. All of you."

Derek puts down his fork.

"Why?" he snaps, "you're with them. Are they trying to recruit me again? Do they want me to do something else I'll never remember but regret forever?"

Lauren frowns at him, shaking her head.

"You don't get it," she sighs, looking irritated, "they didn't tell me to talk to you. I came because I see what's happening and I don't like it."

"Amber was our friend, Lauren. We don't like it either. I'm sure your dad doesn't like having that happen at his school." Derek snarls, stabbing his fork into his spaghetti and spinning it furiously.

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