Chapter 2

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"Okay girls I'm leaving. Don't miss the bus!" Mum yelled as she walked out the front door.

"Yeah okay!" I yelled back not really listening to what she had said. "Jamie lets go, NOW! Or we will be late" Jamie is my sister, annoying as hell. She thinks she is the queen of the world but she isn't. She's an average height for her year, blonde hair and brown eyes. Everyone says she looks a lot like me but I'm so different from her! Like I have brown hair with blonde streaks through it, all natural, and blue eyes, which tend to go really blue at night or after I've cried. I don't actually see how we look alike, we are totally different.

"Okay, okay I'm coming I just need to find my library book it's due back today" Jamie said.

I rolled my eyes, picked up my bag and headed for the front door. She will catch up. I opened the door and walked out into the warm summer breeze. Gosh I love it here. It's absolutely perfect in summer, apart from when Mother Nature gets confused and makes it rain and cold. I never really want to leave here but then again I can't wait until I go to university, hopefully in Wollongong.

I turned around to close the front door but just as it was almost shut the handle got yanked from my hand by Jamie.

"I'm telling Mum you were going to leave me" She stated with a smirk on her face.

"Ugh, you do that then you little shit" I replied. She always tells on me for things, half of which I didn't even do, and my Mother believes her. It's so annoying; I'm always in trouble, one reason why I can't wait to go to uni in Wollongong.

"I'm telling Mum you called me a little shit too, you're going to be in so much trouble when she gets home. She will probably make you take me to laser tag with you tomorrow" She smirked.

"Whatever" I stated not wanting to get into an argument. I put my blue earphones in and turned up the music, my usual routine when I catch the bus.


That would be right, just as a good song comes on the bus pulls up to my school. It always happens! It gets so annoying! I took out my phone that is in a purple wallet case and opened it to turn off the music, King For A Day by Peirce The Veil, one of my all-time favourites. Once I stopped the music I took out my earphones and started to fold them up before getting up to hop off the bus.

When I was finally off the bus I walked over to the front gates, where my friends normally are.

"Hey girls" I said as I walked over to join into their conversation.

"Hey Katie" Everyone but Jayne said who was currently telling a story about her weird dream she had last night. Something about Harry Styles making out with her Mum then asking to make out with her. I didn't really pay attention because I'm not a fan of One Direction, like some of their songs are okay but I don't like them, they just annoying me.

I turned around and saw Sarah had just been dropped off by her Mum so I mumbled an 'I'll be back' and walked over to meet her.

Sarah is my bestfriend. She has always been there for me, even if I'm a moody bitch she will listen to me and just be there. I feel like I can tell her anything. Sarah is average height with blonde hair, it used to be super long but she cut it about four months ago. She is really pretty too, she has dark blue eyes and a few freckles as well. Everything about her just ties in really well.

I ran over and hugged her, almost squeezing her to death, on purpose of course. "Are you pumped for tomorrow?" I asked releasing her from the death defying hug.

"You know it! I'm so gonna beat your sorry ass" She laughed.

"Oh, this sorry ass?" I asked as I turned around and pointed it in her face.​

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