Chapter 4

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"Well that was fun" Amy said.

"Yeah it was" I replied.

"I told you, you wouldn't win Katie" Sarah laughed.

"Hey! I did win one game!" I shot back in a quick defence, "I didn't see you win any games."

"Second and third aren't too bad!" Sarah laughed.

"Hey just remember who the real winner is here!" Jayne exclaimed.

"Me!" Lucy joked.

We all laughed.

"Nope! It was me! I beat all of you!!

Hahahaha I win you lose!" Jayne said as she was jumping around.

"You may have won two games but I did win one so I win too" I joked.

"Oh sure sure Katie!! You wish!!" Jayne said while laughing.

"Let's go have dinner" I suggested, "What do you guys want?"

Half the girls said pizza and the other half said subway so we all agreed to split into two groups grab our meals and then meet up again out the front of laser tag.

I was in the group that wanted Subway so we all headed to Subway and ordered our meals. I got the usual; a chicken teriyaki sub toasted. It's absolutely delicious.

When we all finished getting our meals we had a look across the street and didn't see the other girls so we decided to go for a quick toilet break. Once we all finished on the toilets we started to head back to laser tag to meet up with the other girls.

"I've had so much fun today, the most I've had in a long time" I said as we left Subway.

"Same here" Jayne said.

"You know what, let's make a pact. Once every month we go out as a group and do something. It'll be fun and bring us closer together. What do you say?" I asked.

"Sounds great" Sarah said.

"Yeah I'm up for that" Jayne said excitedly, "It'll be fun!"

"Yeah sounds good to me" Lilly laughed.

"Yeah we can be like the sleepover club but we don't have sleepovers every weekend and we only meet up once a month but yeah let's be called the sleepover club. No. Wait. Umm. The Biffles Club" Lucy explained.

We all laughed. Lucy was funny like that. Sometimes I think she says things before she thinks about it but that makes her so much fun to be around.

We were almost at the lights when we heard a scream. I quickly looked up and saw that a little girl had fallen over in the middle of the road and was hurt. She looked about nine years old and she was wearing a pink shirt with dark blue jeans. She had blonde hair and from what I could tell had hazel eyes. She was by herself. Why on earth would a nine year old girl be by herself at this time of night!? Where the hell are her parents? What on earth are they thinking? I looked to my right and saw a truck coming. Fast. I quickly gave my dinner to Jayne and ran out onto the road to help the little girl.

I quickly picked her up and sure enough she was crying. "Are you okay?" I asked her.

"I hurt my knee" The little girl cried.

I looked up as the truck was getting closer and picking up speed. "Okay, but can you do me a favour? I need you to help me help you. You need to head over to those people over there they'll help you" I said as I pointed to the girls.

"Okay" She wept.

We headed over to the girls. I sat her down on the ground and asked how she was doing. All I got was more crying.

The little girl pointed to the road and I saw a little boy running across the road. My instinct quickly kicked in and I ran towards the little boy and picked him up and through him to the side of the road. He was hurt but at least he would be okay. I started to run to the edge of the road not knowing where the truck was. I was almost to the edge when I heard a scream. I quickly looked to the side and saw the truck was only meters away from me.

I looked at the girls and saw Sarah holding the little girl covering her eyes from what they were about to see. I saw Jayne with tears forming in her eyes. I saw Lucy stepping backward like she had just been shot. I saw Lilly staring, not knowing what to do. They were all just staring. It was like they were lost. In their own little world, lost. They looked scared. They didn't know what to do. They couldn't help me. I couldn't help them. It was too late.

As for myself, I knew what was coming. I knew that everything would change. I knew that things will never be the same but for some reason, for some crazy reason I kept running. I was running on false hope, literally. I don't know why but for some reason I thought, I hoped that if I kept running it would be okay. If I kept on hoping and running things will work out. But then I realised it was useless. I could only hope. And hope couldn't do anything for me. So I stopped running. I stopped running and just stared. I was staring at my life. Hoping that things would be okay.

Then it hit me. Immediately I was flown forward. Immediately I felt the pain. Immediately I lost all hope. The last things I remember before passing out was hitting the ground then being hit by the truck again and seeing it speed off into the distance. Leaving me. Stuck on the ground. In pain. Trying to make sense of what had just happened. Trying to get the hope back that I had just lost. But failing because once you lose all hope, you can't regain it on your own. Once you lose all hope, fear starts taking over and you admit that you are useless. That you are lost, that you aren't good enough. And when you finally admit that you aren't good enough and that you are lost and useless, that's when you know that all the hope you once had is gone. Forever. That's when you know that the strength you once had to keep fighting is gone. That's when you know it's time to give up.


Oh look another update!!

I told you something big would happen!!

Oh my gosh!! Will Katie survive? What is going to happen next? What are the biffles club going to do now? So much can change!! So much will change!!

I hope you guys liked this. To be honest I had tears in my eyes while writing it...

Now I don't know when my next update will be, hopefully soon. This chapter wasn't actually meant to be up today but I had people telling me I should update so here it is.

As always please vote and comment! I would love to hear some feedback!

Ta Brooke

P.S while I was writing this chapter I was listening to down by Jason Walker. I'm not certain if it really goes with this chapter but I think it might be a good song to listen to at some point :) thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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